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Latest Urban Issues articles from Jacksonville, FL

Dangerous Bridges in Jacksonville

According to the national bridge survey Jacksonville has a number of bridges that received a failing grade. You might NOT want to ride along as we take a look at the data.

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Councilman Redman wants Metro Park concerts stopped

Councilman Don Redman's crusade on downtown's public spaces continues. Following up on his desire to remove benches, tables, and trees from Hemming Plaza, Redman has filed additional legislation to have ticketed events in Metropolitan Park eliminated. Here is a look at the official legislation recently...

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Changing the Urban Landscape in 2013

In 2012, we witnessed a renewed optimism for the future of downtown Jacksonville. Looking forward to 2013, here are five projects that have the potential to stimulate additional life in the urban core.

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Urban Trends We Hope Die in 2013

According to The Atlantic Cities journalist Emily Badger, our transportation landscape is increasingly fragmented into single-mode interest groups who behave as if transportation infrastructure is a zero-sum game that can only be won by one form of locomotion at the expense of all the others. Here is...

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The perils of pass-fail in Jacksonville's high schools

As Duval County celebrates the giant leaps made by local high schools, there are some people who choose to look for the cloud within the silver lining. A quick visit to the Times-Union's online message boards reveals a kind of cynicism that exposes the challenges of reforming our schools. Critics are...

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Wendell Cox's 13 Myths of Urban Sprawl

Some, such as the Tea Party, believe that the "smart growth" movement is a serious threat to the American Dream of home ownership, employment, and prosperity. Today, Metro Jacksonville shares Wendell Cox's position on why uncontrollable urban sprawl should be desired over urban redevelopment and sustainability.

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Is it time for an Art Walk makeover?

Produced by Downtown Vision, Inc. (DVI), First Wednesday Art Walk is a free, self-guided tour that combines astounding visual and live art, engaging events and more in the core of Downtown Jacksonville. Held each month from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Art Walk spans a 15-block radius within the Downtown core....

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Hemming Plaza Tables & Chairs On Their Way Out?

Despite strong public support for keeping tables and chairs in Hemming Plaza, Councilman Don Redman ignores those pleas by introducing legislation to do the exact opposite.

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Jacksonville and the 2012 Municipal Equality Index

A nationwide evaluation of municipal law and policy was recently released by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, Victory, and the Equality Federation Institute. Cities that received a 100% score were Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Long Beach, Boston, Cambridge (MA), St. Louis, New York City,...

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JAX 2025: Imagine it. Build it. Reach it.

The Jacksonville Community Council, Inc. (JCCI) launches a community-owned initiative destined to create an implementable shared vision for Jacksonville and wants your help.

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