Coming Soon: Hyperion Brewing Company

October 9, 2015 23 comments Open printer friendly version of this article Print Article

The following responses are a result of a brief Q&A session with Troy Orton and Alexandra McKeown, the two founding faces of what could become urban Jacksonville’s newest craft brewery — Hyperion Brewing Company.

6. KP: What’s your ultimate goal for the company as a whole?

AM – Hyperion initially is going to serve only Jacksonville. We’ve modeled the brewery after other successful nano-breweries across the country. We think that model will thrive in Jacksonville but when demand exceeds our ability to supply the market we will re-invest, expand and strive to add to Jacksonville’s credibility as a tourist destination for beer.

7. KP: What’s Hyperion’s menu going to be like? Will you serve strictly beer? Liquour? Food?

TO -- Hyperion is going to only serve beer.

8. KP: Do you foresee Hyperion being home to any sorts of events or specials? Maybe live music or a day of 2-for-1s?

TO – Absolutely. Hyperion was founded with a sense of community and wanting to give back to Jacksonville. We hope to partner with local charities for fundraisers and special events. We’ll also hold special events throughout the year for holidays. We are considering having live music but want to make sure the space we find can accommodate the bands and noise.

9. KP: Do you plan to bottle or distribute any of your products?

TO – Our primary focus is the tap room and serving the public directly but we will have bottle releases occasionally for our specialty beers. Because of the way we’ve designed Hyperion, it will be tricky to identify which beers to distribute. Once we open we’ll see which recipes are popular and send those beers out around town.

10. KP: Most importantly, how do you think Hyperion will differentiate itself from the already well-established beer scene in Jacksonville?

AM – Hyperion is going to purposefully avoid having flagship beers. There will be a variety of beer always on tap at the brewery, weekly releases and when one tap kick an entirely new recipe will become available. Whether you come once a week or once a month there will always be something new to try. We want people to have fun trying new beers and for those who are craft beer enthusiasts we want to continue to surprise them.

TO – We will be brewing on the smallest system in Jacksonville. Smaller batches mean we can crank out a higher variety of beers in a shorter amount of time. The smaller batches will also allow us to take more risks and experiment more freely. As a brewer I have a love for adventurous, well-designed beer. On the other hand, I also have a great appreciation for classic styles that may have fallen by the wayside in the craft beer revolution. We hope to resurrect some of these classics so that new generations can enjoy them as well.

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Article by Kristen Pickrell

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