The top 11 contributors to the 2015 mayoral election.

This list of the largest contributors to the 2015 Jacksonville mayoral election was calculated by reviewing the campaign finance reports of the two Political Action Committees: 1) Together for a Greater Jacksonville, associated with Lenny Curry and 2) Taking Jacksonville to the Next Level, associated with Alvin Brown.
The 11 largest contributors to Curry and Brown's respective PACs are responsible for pumping $2.08 million dollars into the mayoral election, nearly 30 percent of the total monetary contributions to the 2015 Jacksonville mayoral election.
Together for a Greater Jacksonville's (Curry) five largest contributors are responsible for 33 percent of the money raised by the PAC, or $911k thousand of $2.78 million in monetary contributions.
Taking Jacksonville to the Next Level's (Brown) five largest contributors make up 41 percent of the money raised, or $1.17 million of the $2.87 million raided in monetary contributions
The below tables are pulled directly from the finance reports.
For more analysis on how the Jacksonville mayoral election was financed read "Arash Kamiar: Financing the 2015 Mayoral Election..."
11. Summit Contracting Group, Inc
$78,000 to Together for a Greater Jacksonville, Lenny Curry.
Marc Padgett, President of Summit Contracting Group, Inc.
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