Urban Construction Update - November 2014

November 25, 2014 12 comments Open printer friendly version of this article Print Article

Major construction projects have returned to the landscape of Jacksonville's urban core. Find out where (and more) as we take a brief look at the status of various developments under construction in and around Downtown Jacksonville during the month of November.


26. Serenity Tea and Hookah Lounge

Serenity Tea and Hookah Lounge plans to open at 1715 North Main Street. The lounge will offer a variety of foods and desserts, as well as wine, beer, tea and coffee. The shop will also offer free Wi-Fi, live music, entertainment and, of course, a vast array of hookah flavors.

Full article: http://www.bizjournals.com/jacksonville/news/2014/07/29/new-life-coming-to-main-street-with-retail-shop.html

27. 122 West 8th Street

Proposed Exterior Elevations

Land clearing efforts are underway on a 14-unit affordable housing apartment complex at 122 West 8th Street. The proposed multi-family infill project will be developed by Operation New Hope.

For more information: http://www.metrojacksonville.com/article/2013-sep-infill-apartment-project-coming-to-springfield

28. Terrawise Homes

TerraWise Homes continues to add energy efficient infill residences in Springfield.

29. Wing Time

217 W. 8th St (former Caribbean Stone) is being remodeled into Wing Time, which is a local chain.

30. Historic Restorations & New Infill Housing

Several historic restoration projects are underway throughout Springfield. The images below illustrate some of the work being done in the historic district.

31.  1101 Main Street (1st & Main)

The former "The Pearl" night club building at 1st & Main will be renovated into a yoga studio, juice bar, arts and community space.

32. Birdhouse Café

The Birdhouse Café plans to open soon at 1827 N Pearl St. The cafe will offer food, live music, beer and wine.

33. Julius Guinyard Park & Pool

Renovation work is underway on the City of Jacksonville's Julius Guinyard Swimming Pool on Jefferson Street, in the neighborhood formerly known as Sugar Hill. Constructed in 1951, the swimming pool was originally called "Blodgett Homes Pool" and is one of the oldest public pools in the City of Jacksonville. In 2006, the park was renamed after Mr. Julius Guinyard a former City Parks employee.

34. 1735 North Main Street

1735 North Main Street has recently been purchased. The building will be converted into a premier art gallery for local artist.


35. Kitchen of San Marco

Education Corporation of America, which owns Virginia College, plans to open a fully-staffed teaching restaurant in the Southeast in the former Oral Explosions building at 1402 San Marco Boulevard. Students at Culinard, The Culinary Institute of Virginia College, will train at the Kitchen on San Marco, which will feature local and regional foods and employ a professional staff of about 40 people. Originally, it was anticipated that the Kitchen on San Marco would open in early January 2014.  Current plans call for a Spring 2015 opening.

Full article: http://jacksonville.com/business/2014-08-21/story/culinary-school-open-san-marco

36. Southside Tennis Courts

The Southside Tennis Court complex on Hendricks Avenue is currently being reconstructed.

37. First Citizens Bank & Trust Company

Construction is underway on a $10 million, 6,000-square foot office for First Citizens Bank & Trust Company on San Marco Boulevard. The location will also serve as the local headquarters for the Raleigh, N.C. bank.

Development update by Ennis Davis, AICP. Contact Ennis at edavis@moderncities.com

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