Mayor, LISC Unveil Major Core Neighborhood Improvements

November 24, 2014 6 comments Open printer friendly version of this article Print Article

Partnering with LISC Jacksonville, Mayor Alvin Brown and City Council members today announced new investments to improve and empower neighborhoods for residents and businesses through a joint initiative called Renew Jax.

1. Soutel Drive

- Public-private partnership between LISC, the City, Wealth Watchers, and other community development nonprofits.

- Scope includes developing and building a subdivision of ten new single-family homes.

- Investment totals $1.03 million in federal funding.

- This project is in Council Member Reggie Brown’s district.


2. Myrtle Ave. Corridor

- Public-private partnership between the City and Northwest Jacksonville CDC.

- Scope includes various housing redevelopment strategies.

- Investment totals $3.2 million in state and federal funding.

- This project is in Council Member Denise Lee’s district.


3. Phelps St.

- Public-private partnership between LISC, the City and Operation New Hope.

- Scope includes the acquisition and redevelopment of homes on the south side of Phelps St. between Palmetto and Spearing Streets.

- Investment totals $382,000 in federal funding.

- This project is in Council Member Dr. Johnny Gaffney’s district.

4. Payne Ave.

- Public-private partnership between the City and Northwest Jacksonville CDC.

- Scope includes the acquisition and redevelopment of a 28-unit multi-family property and five duplex units for affording housing.

- Investment totals $1.6 million in federal funding.

- This project is in Council Member Denise Lee’s district.

5. Avenue B

- Scope includes the construction of box culverts to improve driver and pedestrian safety along Avenue B and Zinnia Ave. from Edgewood Ave. to Moncrief Rd.

- Investment totals $3.05 million, including $850,000 in federal funding and $2.2 million in Stormwater Utility funding.

- This project is in Council Member Reggie Brown’s district.

6. U.S. 1

- Partnership between the City, the Florida Department of Transportation and Council Member Reggie Brown.

- Scope includes the design and construction of new water mains, which will connect to and extend water service to the currently un-served properties along U.S. 1.  New sidewalks will be designed and constructed along the east side of U.S. 1 to improve pedestrian safety.

- Investment totals more than $1 million in federal funding and $100,000 in state grant funding.

7. Robinson’s Addition Neighborhood

- Scope includes a preliminary engineering study to provide improved drainage in the neighborhood.  Anticipated improvements would include improved storm drain systems, curbs and gutters and storm water retention/treatment ponds.

- Investment totals $250,000 in federal funding.

- This project is in Council Member Warren Jones’ district.


8. Newtown Neighborhood

- Scope includes identifying pond sites large enough for the improvements outlined in a recent study, including storm drain systems, curbs and gutters and storm water detention/treatment ponds.

- Investment totals $3.5 million in Stormwater Utility funding.

-  This project is in Council Member Warren Jones’ district.


Additional Infrastructure Projects

- Scope includes infrastructure improvements for the Riverview, Grand Park, Paxon, North Riverside and Lackawanna areas.

- Investment totals $1.4 million in federal funding.

-  These projects are in Council Member Warren Jones and Council Member Denise Lee’s districts.

Source: City of Jacksonville Press Release

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