Mayor, LISC Unveil Major Core Neighborhood Improvements
November 24, 2014 6 comments
Partnering with LISC Jacksonville, Mayor Alvin Brown and City Council members today announced new investments to improve and empower neighborhoods for residents and businesses through a joint initiative called Renew Jax.
1. Soutel Drive
- Public-private partnership between LISC, the City, Wealth Watchers, and other community development nonprofits.
- Scope includes developing and building a subdivision of ten new single-family homes.
- Investment totals $1.03 million in federal funding.
- This project is in Council Member Reggie Brown’s district.
2. Myrtle Ave. Corridor
- Public-private partnership between the City and Northwest Jacksonville CDC.
- Scope includes various housing redevelopment strategies.
- Investment totals $3.2 million in state and federal funding.
- This project is in Council Member Denise Lee’s district.
3. Phelps St.
- Public-private partnership between LISC, the City and Operation New Hope.
- Scope includes the acquisition and redevelopment of homes on the south side of Phelps St. between Palmetto and Spearing Streets.
- Investment totals $382,000 in federal funding.
- This project is in Council Member Dr. Johnny Gaffney’s district.
4. Payne Ave.
- Public-private partnership between the City and Northwest Jacksonville CDC.
- Scope includes the acquisition and redevelopment of a 28-unit multi-family property and five duplex units for affording housing.
- Investment totals $1.6 million in federal funding.
- This project is in Council Member Denise Lee’s district.
5. Avenue B
- Scope includes the construction of box culverts to improve driver and pedestrian safety along Avenue B and Zinnia Ave. from Edgewood Ave. to Moncrief Rd.
- Investment totals $3.05 million, including $850,000 in federal funding and $2.2 million in Stormwater Utility funding.
- This project is in Council Member Reggie Brown’s district.
6. U.S. 1
- Partnership between the City, the Florida Department of Transportation and Council Member Reggie Brown.
- Scope includes the design and construction of new water mains, which will connect to and extend water service to the currently un-served properties along U.S. 1. New sidewalks will be designed and constructed along the east side of U.S. 1 to improve pedestrian safety.
- Investment totals more than $1 million in federal funding and $100,000 in state grant funding.
7. Robinson’s Addition Neighborhood
- Scope includes a preliminary engineering study to provide improved drainage in the neighborhood. Anticipated improvements would include improved storm drain systems, curbs and gutters and storm water retention/treatment ponds.
- Investment totals $250,000 in federal funding.
- This project is in Council Member Warren Jones’ district.
8. Newtown Neighborhood
- Scope includes identifying pond sites large enough for the improvements outlined in a recent study, including storm drain systems, curbs and gutters and storm water detention/treatment ponds.
- Investment totals $3.5 million in Stormwater Utility funding.
- This project is in Council Member Warren Jones’ district.
Additional Infrastructure Projects
- Scope includes infrastructure improvements for the Riverview, Grand Park, Paxon, North Riverside and Lackawanna areas.
- Investment totals $1.4 million in federal funding.
- These projects are in Council Member Warren Jones and Council Member Denise Lee’s districts.
Source: City of Jacksonville Press Release
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