13 Things In Jacksonville You Didn’t Know Existed

August 25, 2014 6 comments Open printer friendly version of this article Print Article

13 things in Jacksonville you didn't know existed, according to Brian Arthur of real estate blog Movoto.com.

1. This Island Oasis For Birds Is Like A Cute Animal Youtube Video On Steroids

Source: B.E.A.K.S. via Facebook

If you’ve ever wanted your heart to melt right out of your body, visit BEAKS—it’s like your favorite cute internet animal video x 100. The Talbot Island bird sanctuary specializes in rehabilitating injured and orphaned birds of all kinds and getting them back to the business of being in the wild. The sanctuary also serves as an education and family learning center.

2. Sgt. Quackers Is The Best Piece Of Public Art Ever

Source: University of North Florida via Facebook

Every city seems to have one piece of public art that leaves you wondering “why on earth does that exist?” For Jacksonville, that piece of art is Sgt. Quackers.

The massive rubber duck was created by University of North Florida students for last year’s One Spark Festival, and has been seen pretty much everywhere around town, form Hemming Plaza to the UNF Campus to the Jacksonville Zoo. Sgt. Quackers can currently be seen in front of Duckys Express Carwash, fittingly enough.

3. Jacksonville Is One Of The Only Places In America Where You Can Learn To Weld Under Water

Source: Flickr user Official U.S. Navy Page

“Underwater welding school” sounds kind of like “underwater basket weaving”—essentially, shorthand for a college class that’s too weird to actually exist. In reality, underwater welding is both an important and well-paying gig. With the Commercial Diving Academy, Jacksonville is home to one of just a few underwater welding schools in the country. Hey, it’s never too late for a career change.

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