A Look at the Southside Boulevard Visioning Plan
April 25, 2014 21 comments Print ArticleThe Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) has a new vision for the future of Southside Boulevard. Take a look at some of the highlights and let us know what you think.
Vision: Central North Segment
The Central North Segment extends from Touchton Road on the south to Beach Boulevard on the north and is characterized by smaller commercial uses situated on shallow lots. Given the depth and orientation of these commercial lots, combined with the lack of a frontage road on the east, this segment of the corridor is primarily characterized by numerous vehicular access points (driveways and curb cuts) and a relatively cluttered commercial appearance. The image below provides an example of potential improvements that include an additional travel lane, multi-modal facilities and landscaping.
Multi-Modal Improvements
Transit Oriented Development/Redevelopment Concept at Beach Boulevard interchange.
Vision: North Segment
The North Segment extends from Beach Boulevard on the south to the Arlington Expressway on the north. Aside from the commercial node of Atlantic Boulevard and Arlington Expressway, this segment traverses primarily low-density residential neighborhoods that directly abut the Boulevard with minimal buffering elements. Furthermore, the North Segment is the only segment in the Corridor with a continuous system of frontage roads, resulting in a roadway section that resembles a true boulevard. The image below illustrates the community’s preference for potential improvements that include an additional travel lane, multi-modal facilities, landscaping and an earthen berm to buffer the Boulevard from adjacent residences.
Multi-Modal Improvements
Transit Oriented Development/Redevelopment Concept near Regency Square Mall.
Other considerations and improvements.
To view full document: http://www.jtafla.com/pdf/SouthsideVisioning/SouthsideBlvdCorridorVisioningPlan-FINAL12302013.pdf
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