Jacksonville Jaguars: 2013 Preseason Guide

August 25, 2013 2 comments Open printer friendly version of this article Print Article

EUJacksonville: In our Preseason Guide, we’ll take a look at some of the various on and off the field events that occurred while you were away to get you up to speed as well as share some game day tips that will help you optimize your enjoyment of the 2013 Jaguars. Written by RICHARD DAVID SMITH III / Photos by FRAN RUCHAlSKI

Game Day

Considering their putrid record and relatively small market, the Jaguars did very well last year to avoid television blackouts in all home games (where they went an abysmal 1-7). That’s because real fans know that it’s not whether you win or lose--but how much fun you have at the game!

Here are some of the “haps” in and around the stadium on game day this season…

• Fans will again be allowed to enter the stadium for 1 pm games at 11 am.

• The always-popular Jaguars drum-line, which gives the game a fun, high school  
   feel, returns again this season.

• Expanded interactive Family Fun Zone—this year complete with inflatables—will be at the south end of the stadium for all those kids not happy enough with the Jaguars ticket you just bought them.

• More Cool Zones (especially important for those brutally hot early season games)
below the north and south end zones and throughout the stadium.

• Food will continue to be allowed into the stadium inside of a basic Ziploc freezer bag, but this year, for safety reasons, the league has issued a clear bag policy. In order to expedite the security lines, they will no longer allow people to bring big bags, backpacks, etc, into the stadium.

• There will be even more of the increasingly popular area food trucks (about 10 to
12) on hand at the stadium this season, offering a wider variety of delicious food-on wheels for the fans to select from. These are usually parked on Adams Street on the south end of the stadium near Gate 1.

• The colossal new scoreboard—with controversial funding in tow—will not be in place at EverBank until 2014.

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