Revised Riverside Park Development Renderings

April 3, 2013 52 comments Open printer friendly version of this article Print Article

Replacing Lincoln Properties as the developer, Pollack Shores Real Estate Group, LLC. has submitted revised plans to the Downtown Development Review Board for a 310 unit infill housing development in Brooklyn.

General Information

DDRB Application 2012-004 is before the DDRB requesting to modify the previously approved conceptual plan by removing carriage house development and moving primary buildings to street frontage locations. The property owner of the proposed residential properties for development is P&L Jax Riverside, L.P., ("P&L", referred to as Pope and Land). P&L initially authorized Lincoln Properties to submit an application for residential development to the DDRB. Lincoln Properties presented for conceptual approval to the DDRB March 1, 2012, and the Board deferred action. The DDRB and the applicant, Lincoln Properties, held a public workshop to discuss the development and invite public comments March 15, 2012. Lincoln Properties then presented a revised plan April 5, 2012, addressing comments received at the workshop and received DDRB conceptual approval. Pope and Land, has since designated and authorized Pollack Shores Real Estate Group, LLC. as the developers and P&L's agent for DDRB approvals. The Pollack Shores Real Estate Group, LLC, as applicant, is now requesting to modify the approved conceptual plan. The proposed modified plan differs from the approved plan in that the carriage house design has been removed and redesigned primary building structures have been located to the perimeters of the property. Additionally, the applicant has increased the number units for a new total of 310 units verses the previous total of 283 units. The modifications to the site plan and the additional one bedroom units are supported by staff as reflective of more urban development in keeping with the development plan for the Brooklyn and Riverside District in the Downtown Overlay Zone and the Downtown Master Plan.

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