I agree such an idea should be legislation in council, just not on this bill.
Mike, You are the marketers of marketers. You've got the Cash Mob thing going, Food trucks, and tonight is the Pub Crawl.
Such an idea should be legislation in council, well a piece of legislation that is on the books is 2009-442 The Artificial Reef Trust Fund and it's gaining momentum.
6 Artificial Reefs in the River just outside the Marina Mile. Mike, would you write a check for a buck? Ricker would you write a check for a dollar? This is your hood. Obviously it could be more. Ricker you write a check for a buck and I'll write a check for the bicycle path over the railroad tracks.
next Jacksonville Waterways Commission meeting is 12 days out. I'll personally deliver any checks to the Waterways Commission at city Hall at the end of the meeting. That's a Promise.
Make the check out to City of Jacksonville
Write 2009-442 on the check
Write Artificial Reef Trust Fund on the check
Ricker, I drove up that Philips Hwy corridor yesterday. What you are wanting to do along with everyone else can happen. You can request legislation.
Or you can continue to create a tactical epoch spark of citizen involvement and reach out to CSX and one day in the future we can ride together over a safe railroad crossing because of the legislation that was created.
Ricker we have done things in the past. And I'll be more than happy to join you in the future again on other projects. In fact in today's Times Union a new column will be debuting "River Life" to educate readers about our Waterways. Dr Quinton White who is the Director of the Marine Science Research Institute at Jacksonville University is fully aware of the Artificial Reef Trust Fund as well as other exciting projects that are happening.
Ricker, Write a check for a dollar and watch how it works through our legislative process. I'm serious.