I don't know but I hope not. That's a pretty unique and beautiful truss bridge. I wouldn't mind seeing it stay as a twin span to a new bridge.
After reading this:
http://www.mathewsbridge.com/master.asp?menuChoice=whatsPDE It says there are three options.
Potential Option 1: Single Bridge Option
- Alignment Parallel to Existing Bridge
- 8 Vehicle Lanes, Transit
- Replace Existing Bridge
Potential Option 2: Separate Vehicle and Transit Bridges
- Alignment Parallel to Existing Bridge
- 8 Vehicle Lanes
- Provide Transit Crossing on Rehabilitated Existing Bridge
Potential Option 3: Phased Bridge Construction
- Construct 4-Lane Bridge
- 4 Lanes of Traffic on New Bridge
- Transit Envelope on Initial Bridge
So they might keep the bridge but add a second span next to it. What I like the most is they include transit, which is smart.