I believe he was given six contractors without any competition.
What people don't realize is that he only got a portion of the $500K. The rest went to salary, taxes, overhead, and possibly benefits. If someone is getting paid an annual salary of $100K a year you need to include all the hidden costs that em;ployees seem to forget about. A person making a salary of $100K actually costs about $150 a year for the city, if not more depending on what kind of benefits they get.
I don't know either of the two guys (Lauer and Katz), but it seems to me they had the IT deivision headed where it needed to be. The city needs to protect the information that is collected and you need top talent for that, unfortunately the city doesn't pay all that well compared to the private sector and what you have left is not that good. That, of course, is a generalization and does not mean ever IT employee that works for the City is average, but the majority are not your elite.
Most places utilize contractors for short term projects that don't make sense to utilize a FTE position, which is only needed occassionally or for only one special project.
I'm sure I did bad job of defending these guys, but I don't believe everything they did was bad. I do believe this will make the IT department more efficient and have better oversight with there spending.
All Scott Teagle did was use his network to get business. Both JEA and the Duval School District have formalized bid processes with open bids for everyone to see, maybe the City should look at it's breatheren(sp) on how they go about utilizing IT contractors.
I wish the next CIO good luck, it seems there will be some added and unnecessary stress!!