I agree with Miss Fixit's analysis of names in this area. Also, we old timers know Colonial Manor Lake Park simply as "the duck pond".
I would like to add that many in the "Miramar" area would also include in that monikier the self contained and architecturally similar (circa 1945 to early 1950's) Ridgewood development on the east side of Hendricks, opposite the Miramar shopping center. This development continues Peachtree Street from the west side as Peachtree Circle which envelops streets names for trees (Birchwood, Pinewood, Rosewood, Redwood) and the bisector street, Ridgeland that comes out at the traffic light. It may be the best housing deal between Downtown and Mandarin (see post following this for more).
Metro Diner was known as Dan's, a pinball and soda shop for Hendricks Avenue Elementary kids walking home or waiting to be picked up (the school had no school buses in those days!) during the 1960's. The school was considered tops in the county even back then, emulating, or even surpassing, the best private schools of today.
I have posted on other MJ threads stories of:
-Mr. McGhee's shoe store next to Piners
-Piners being the place to buy your Schwinn bicycle
-Chasteen's Texaco Station at Hendricks and Emerson
-Ossi's Drug Store a few feet south of Emerson
-Coley Walkers Drug Store where the Gate station is
-Levy's Nursery where the engineering firm buildings are next door to Gate
-Noman's Pharmacy, Goodyear Tire (AND Appliances!), Winn-Dixie, Joe Carlucci's State Farm, Rose's Beauty Parlor and Gift Shop, Towers Hardware, the Music Bar, Seven-Eleven, and Tommy's Barber Shop in or around the Miramar Shopping Center in the 1960's. Wine Warehouse was a Mobil gas station (and maybe a Gulf Oil before that?) and the cleaners in the triangle at San Jose and Hendricks was an Amoco/Standard Oil.