Author Topic: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?  (Read 19905 times)


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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #45 on: February 10, 2010, 12:39:12 AM »
Even if it was planned that way when the first (current) phase was built, but it won't be finished with the cloverleaf loops, thank God.

The Cloverleaf is one of the most deadly interchanges ever designed. While the effect is the same as the merge from JTB to I-95 North, an interchange lane which has cars weaving in and weaving out all in a short space. On a cloverleaf you have that same problem at expressway speeds.  If you happen to be in a car heading up onto the interstate, from the time you hit the slab, until you must be fully merged is the length of the bridge. In this same short link, with freaking concrete barriers and a 20 foot drop on either side (confined), while accelerating and merging left into traffic, a 18 wheeler could be trying to cut into the same merging lane as he is going to exit after he crosses over the bridge. If he is going 60 mph and slowing down, as you are trying to hit 70, in the same space, God help you if for some reason you get blocked from entering that highway and have to suddenly slow down... SPLAT! CRUNCH! SMEAR! DRIBBLE! EEEEEEEK!

The flyovers at 9A and I95 or the looping ramps of JTB and 9A are wonderful by compairson, and the plain old diamond with stop lights at the bottom or top of the exit, are still best for heavy urbanized areas.

Isn't this something learned in transportation pre-K??



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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #46 on: February 17, 2010, 10:41:18 PM »
Come on now. If you live in Julington Creek and there is a shopping destination as good or better then SJTC and it is in Nocatee which one is an easier drive? Even with out widening a road (which I'm sure will be done) getting to Nocatee would be much easier. Ponte Vedra Beach residents ( which I'm sure comprise a substantial portion of retail dollars spent at SJTC) and Palencia residents certainly would choose Nocatee. Mark my words, we will see a high end retailer be an anchor in Nocatee's town center in the next 5 years.


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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #47 on: February 17, 2010, 10:48:29 PM »
Well no duh on the distance part, who wouldn't. However, see my statements in the Esplanade thread, as I don't need to repeat it. However, 5 years, you're smoking some awesome crack apparently.
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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #48 on: February 18, 2010, 08:14:00 PM »
Well no duh on the distance part, who wouldn't. However, see my statements in the Esplanade thread, as I don't need to repeat it. However, 5 years, you're smoking some awesome crack apparently.

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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #49 on: March 21, 2010, 12:17:47 PM »
When is the IGP expansion supposed to start?


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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #50 on: March 21, 2010, 03:01:46 PM »
I drove over there yesterday looking for the site... Can't figure out exactly where they want to build. On the east side of Pacetti Road, (WG Parkway becomes Pacetti after crossing south of SR16) between Murabella and the current Publix Shopping Center, is a large vacant lot but it has a "Flagler Hospital" sign on it. Across the street (West side of Pacetti) there are several "FOR SALE - DEVELOPMENT" type signs. On 16 South of the highway and east of Publix, a huge lot labeled for development "SHOPPING CENTER". West of Walgreens on 16, where the new 4 lane portion is being finished, there is a large area that I don't think falls within WGV bounds, and could probably be developed if someone had deep enough pockets. Everything north of 16 is cow pasture, except for the future Beltway and the school properties, the same goes for World Golf Parkway.

When we finally get regional rail and/or commuter rail, access from WGV is going to be interesting, as the current road runs past the Airship Airport (NLTA FRANCIS FIELD) and right into the middle of 12 Mile Swamp. This is a beautiful preserve and if the road's are widened the animal kill rate will soar (it's already bad). Might as well gather the troops and gear up to force a system of fencing and animal undercrossings.


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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #51 on: March 25, 2010, 10:05:35 AM »
NE corner of IGP, and I95.  Across I95 from the IGV


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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #52 on: March 25, 2010, 01:10:45 PM »
That parcel is already designed as another town center and is not close to the Publix or SR16. Since the roads and parking are mostly pre-built, I can't see Wal-Mart taking over??


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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #53 on: March 25, 2010, 03:25:00 PM »

I think a Costco would be a great fit for that area.


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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #54 on: March 25, 2010, 03:50:36 PM »
Heaven knows we need it.  There's just not enough retail space around:


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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #55 on: May 04, 2010, 03:46:23 PM »
This is a big improvement over what WGV was when I moved out of it 5 years ago. All there was, was a Publix and like a few stores. Now there is commercial development and all these new shopping centers. It will beat the drive you had to do to get stuff outside of WGV. However I really dont think WGV needs all of that. Doesn't Jacksonville have enough shopping as is...
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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #56 on: May 04, 2010, 04:21:53 PM »
Heck no...............need more malls dude! You should have been in that area before WGV...........nothing but trees and farm land! Now there are following the path that Jacksonville took, concrete everywhere, naming streets after what was cut down..........yup...........civilization ya gotta love it!

British Shoe Company

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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #57 on: June 08, 2010, 11:07:36 PM »
Heck no...............need more malls dude! You should have been in that area before WGV...........nothing but trees and farm land! Now there are following the path that Jacksonville took, concrete everywhere, naming streets after what was cut down..........yup...........civilization ya gotta love it!
Between the trees, and farm land, there are a lot of affluent families ready to have a Costco, or BJ's. @ I95, and IGP.

British Shoe Company

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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #58 on: June 08, 2010, 11:14:28 PM »
This is a big improvement over what WGV was when I moved out of it 5 years ago. All there was, was a Publix and like a few stores. Now there is commercial development and all these new shopping centers. It will beat the drive you had to do to get stuff outside of WGV. However I really dont think WGV needs all of that. Doesn't Jacksonville have enough shopping as is...

You should consider going back. 

For high end value shoppers, the WGV is a great location, and value.

Also retail, and restaurants are coming.

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Re: International Golf Parkway to become shopping mall mecca?
« Reply #59 on: July 19, 2010, 10:12:54 PM »
 (FLUM) from Rural Silviculture to Mixed Use District for approximately 579.65 acres