Where FDOT, JTA, and others of their ilk open themselves up to wide ranging criticism from ALL sides is in their failure to fully consider their projects beyond the scope of just an engineer's perspective. The voices of the community at large are effectively marginalized (public hearings be damned) and the driving forces of development at all costs are front and center. In the end, most criticism is a byproduct of this poor process for delivering such projects. When the process is changed for the better, the criticism will likely ratchet down (of course, never to zero) tremendously.
You are absolutely correct here! It took many years of people and organization pounding on FDOT to get them out of the "engineers" perspective on the Bridge of Lions and to come up with the present solution. Too often they come in with a preferred solution and then spend all of their time in the public meetings defending it and getting it stuck in their thinking.
Engineer joke: How can you tell an outgoing engineer from the average engineer? When talking to you, he stares at your shoes instead of his own. (Told to me by a friend who employs a bunch of them.)