Author Topic: How were the Trick r Treaters in your hood?  (Read 5609 times)


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Re: How were the Trick r Treaters in your hood?
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2009, 12:25:04 PM »
Westside / Ringhaver Park area

There was a small carnival going on at the church on 118th, so that tripled LY's crowd coming to my house. I think I ended up seeing over 70 kids and had to hit my 'reserve' candy stash.  8) 
Heather  @Tiki_Proxima

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Re: How were the Trick r Treaters in your hood?
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2009, 01:41:05 PM »
Arlington - MAYBE 3 dozen, tops; well-mannered, costumed, having fun, no trash left behind. 

Ernest Street

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Re: How were the Trick r Treaters in your hood?
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2009, 02:06:27 PM »
Riverside/5-Points- It started out very cute and innocent with some really good 3 year olds and some good homemade costumes that I complemented the proud Mothers on.(Mini Me Cookie Monster was the best!)
 Then it turned into an Invasion.
I saw groups of 20-30 kids and adults....Very few Flashlights and they were walking on the sidewalks as well as blocking through traffic by refusing to move out of the middle of the street >:( I rode past a heated argument on Dellwood between 30 people,a car, and 15 people on the other side of the street. One kid was yelling how "Lame" Riverside is.. >:(
I then visited a friend on his porch on Myra and had several uncostumed thugs in Dreads (worms?) try to just walk up on the porch while not making eye contact with us or speaking...I had a bad feeling after the 3rd one and found myself standing up to confront them. My friend cooly told them we were out of treats. :-X
On the 29th I was warned by a Stockton St Bodega regular "To watch out for the invasion from over the tracks" He was going to stay up all night policing his property near King St.
Ahhh the night wasn't over yet. The "Church" on Ernest and Margaret street was having a street football game with foot races and loud shouting between 11:30 -12:30pm that eventually attracted no less than 3 JSO cars.

What WAS missing was the Gator Victory  parade...We usually yell back and it's all in good fun.. :D
« Last Edit: November 02, 2009, 02:10:36 PM by Ernest Street »


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Re: How were the Trick r Treaters in your hood?
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2009, 03:18:02 PM »
Riverside on Herschel Street near Stockton. We set up an outdoor movie on the front lawn and invited the neighbors. Had about 14 adults and six or seven kids watching Monsters, Inc. Big success.

Throughout the show, we had costumed kids with Mom and Dad, or small groups of little kids with teen guides stop by for treats. Probably about 30-40 kids in all.  Almost everyone was polite and happy to watch a few minutes of movie time while eating a Milky Way bar.

I wore my new Stevie Stiletto tee shirt -the 730 Club rat- as my costume.

chris farley

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Re: How were the Trick r Treaters in your hood?
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2009, 03:39:55 PM »
I started out with 400 candy bars of different sorts, gave out two a piece, Angus helped at the end so he maybe gave three, but I finished up with 8 pieces when I shut down at  10 after 9,  I believe I had at least 130 kids, came in car loads, mainly from outside the neighborhood, it was great - oh also gave out bags of pretzels.


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Re: How were the Trick r Treaters in your hood?
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2009, 04:35:40 PM »
At least 50-75, and I must have run out before the hay ride kids showed up.

I was a little dismayed to see how many were out in dark costumes with no lights or reflectorized material in the entire group - including the adults!  When I ran out of candy I went to Plan B which was glowsticks.  I think I will just stock up on them and forgo the candy next year.

riverside planner

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Re: How were the Trick r Treaters in your hood?
« Reply #21 on: November 03, 2009, 06:07:56 AM »
At least 50-75, and I must have run out before the hay ride kids showed up.

I was a little dismayed to see how many were out in dark costumes with no lights or reflectorized material in the entire group - including the adults!  When I ran out of candy I went to Plan B which was glowsticks.  I think I will just stock up on them and forgo the candy next year.

GREAT idea!