King's Head Pub, St. Augustine, on Philips Hwy, on the left - from the Aves it'll take you 30 minutes. They have malt vinegar, et al, although I've never tried their fish and chips - had other delicious items, though. The absolute best battered fish I've ever had is every Friday night at Cracker can get cod or haddock, but we like the haddock - (nice, thick pieces) with steak fries and slaw will get to your table the quickest- and they have malt vinegar, if you ask. The Cap'n D's the closest to Christ the King Catholic Church is best on Friday nights during Lent (seriously, Lent!) when they have tons of customers. The food is actually fresh and hot then. (but Lent is only 40 days and there are only 8 Friday nights when this happens....)