I am all for an interactive public space in front of the courthouse, however, I am beginning to worry that once again the city has Attention Deficit Disorder.
With public funds hard to get and our local economy fairly stagnant, I would like to see us approach projects one at a time. We must make sure that our parks are unique, have a purpose, and fulfill a need in the city as well as complement the surrounding environment.
We have heard recent talk about improvements to Metro Park, a new park around Friendship Fountain, the new Unity Plaza on Riverside, and now designed public space in front of the Courthouse. We need to focus on an area and get it off the ground before moving to another. I feel our city planners fail to realize that all of these public spaces will not survive with out the public. Why is RAM successful? Because it is close to residential areas and provides a unique service. Why do we see people enjoying a picnic in Memorial Park and not Metro Park? Because people want to walk or bike to a picnic, not drive for 30 minutes and because there are shops and restaurants across the street.
I think Unity Plaza has by far the most potential because of the planned hotel, future restaurant and its location. If this plaza is done right it will create a unique place for intimate outdoor performances.
With regards to a Courthouse Square, I think a logical purpose for right now is to be designed as a space for public rallies, weekend fundraisers. Keep in mind that this area will continue to be a M-F 9-5 area of downtown because no one lives in this part of downtown. No one will drive to have a picnic by the courthouse on the weekends, and RAM and Unity Plaza are going to make Riverside the place to be on Saturdays.
Honestly for right now, I would prefer it to be simple and inexpensive. Make it all grass and plant some trees. In the future, we can look at how Lavilla grows and then remake the courthouse green into a park that fulfills the neighborhood's need. This makes more sense to me and when we do create something in the space, we won't have to wreck millions of dollars of pavers and fountains to do it. Let's leave it as a true green space for the time being and put our energy and money into making Unity Plaza work.