325 Bay St. is between Mark's and Dive Bar. There is no room for it between TSI and Dive. I work at the courthouse and I'm glad to finally see something happening to that location. I've looked in the window often and that space is much bigger than the pictures indicate. Additionally, there seems to be stairs right by the entrance for a second story. Perhaps an upscale taps bar/restaurant and serves late into the evening in order to cater more to the young professional crowd that frequents Ivy's and Mark's?
Also, although I won't be working for the court system much longer, the idea of a new courthouse being completely sooner rather than later is extremely good news. Unless you have worked in the courthouse and seems its gross deficiencies, you wouldn't have a real feel for the urgency of replacing this dilapidated, outdated building (not to mention all of the prime realestate that is being wasted...