Here's the plan. Let's call it the Even Better Jacksonville Plan.
The Ford Assembly Building is 163,000 square feet.
What if the Assembly building were developed as Phase One of a waterfront convention center?
It's essentially a two space building, The renovated showroom would be an excellent venue, and the enormous main plant space could handle many shows.
If successful, you have expansion acerage.
Think of the perimeter circulation and breakout space looking out on a 180 degree view of the river.
Have a green roof. Someone please, renovate this magnificent structure in my lifetime.
Think of the boat show you could have.
Market the new convention center to every marine related, shipping and transportation industrial trade show on the planet.
Extend the Skyway to the new convention center complex with stops along the Municipal Stadium/Veterans
Memorial Arena route, and provide future stops for redevelopment sites on Commodore Point land.
You could have sites for future waterfront hotels near both the Sports Complex and the Convention Center.
There is a railroad spur line crossing the property that terminates at Commodores Point.
Ock, help me out here.
Extend the Northbank Riverwalk to the Matthews Bridge and the Ford site, and start up the Hogan's Creek Greenway while you are at it.
Nice shopping/wish list for the new Administration's projects, much of it transportation related.
This frees up all of Union Terminal for the best possible multi-modal project.
A more compact transportation center is good. This plan also establishs connectivity,
not only from Riverside/Avondale to Brooklyn/Lavilla to downtown,and down river to where port activity starts, but inland to Springfield, and Fairfield/Eastside, so the later can be like Wrigleyville.
Union Terminal and the Ford Assembly Building are the bookends.
Good vision? Negative factors? Too distant from downtown?
Some of the downtown convention center sites could potentially block the waterfront, like the original Hyatt structure. We need an urban design template that optimizes all of the assets of downtown.