ProjectMaximus - That was strange, but I fixed it.
I'm still not convinced that the Prime Osborn shouldn't remain the Convention Center....there is room to expand it and having the JRTC right next door would be an advantage.
Here's why I'm convinced that it needs to go.
1. It results in an inefficient transportation center design. Not only does transferring between modes become difficult, it wastes several blocks of what should be set aside for transit oriented development uses.
2. To become a workable convention center, it requires us to invest money in building duplicate complementing uses (convention center hotel, restaurants, entertainment, etc.). This ultimately ends up in a battle of competition between existing and new businesses (if we can actually attract the new uses). So in the end, we could end up paying more if forced into keeping the isolated Prime Osborn site and providing incentives to encourage new private sector uses in a market that can't support them.
3. Isolation - shifting the complex to where complementing uses currently exist, allows us to better support what's already in place. Expansion at the current site leaves us wishing on pie in the sky proposals like Bay Street Station and Brooklyn Park. If they never happen, an expanded convention center will still fail. Instead of investing millions and still relying on dreams for success, stick it closer to where the uses already are, thus creating instant synergy.
4. Master Plan - finally, regardless of where it ends up, the solution should be settled and made a part of the DT master plan. By keeping things in limbo, an entire section of the core is frozen in inaction. Someone, whether its the council, JEDC or the Mayor's Office, needs to man up and settle this thing, once and for all.