Interesting numbers re: City contribution to a Downtown historic preservation project - at 44% of project costs. This seems to be in the ballpark of the % of assistance Adkins was requesting so I am wondering if that makes at least the subsidy ratio palatable.
This is something I broke down last year here (,37780.0.html).
Key thing to keep in mind, all other factors aside, is that the Laura Street Trio project, as proposed by Southeast, wasn't a $180 million historic rehab. Instead, it was a $62.5 million rehab, wrapped in a $113 million new construction project.

So, while it is accurate that the percentages of the city's contribution for the historic rehab are roughly the same (45% for the Trio vs. 44% for the Juliette Balcony), Southeast was ALSO asking the city to toss in over 30% (an extra $30 million BEFORE they increased their subsidy demands in 2024) for non-historic new construction.

In essence, Jacksonville's public contribution to the project ($63 million) would have been more than the actual stated cost to rehab the historic structures.