Author Topic: Trump Presidency #2  (Read 32610 times)


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2024, 08:36:47 PM »
Don’t forget racist, rapist, homophobic bigots! Wait, am I seeing a trend here?


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2024, 04:23:45 PM »
Don’t forget racist, rapist, homophobic bigots! Wait, am I seeing a trend here?

In a boat at sea one of the men began to bore a hole in the bottom of the boat. On being remonstrating with, he answered, "I am only boring under my own seat." "Yes," said his companions, "but when the sea rushes in we shall all be drowned with you."


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2024, 07:24:45 PM »
Don’t forget racist, rapist, homophobic bigots! Wait, am I seeing a trend here?


Fellas, fellas.

Let’s not forget misogynist, insurrectionist, and Nazi sympathizer.


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2024, 07:08:07 AM »
It's hilarious how matter of fact the general board is regarding being on board with leftist politics and rabidly anti Trump.

There are those of us deplorables who for whatever reason still pay some attention to this board who love Trump.  As someone who works in real estate, close to development, I welcome some deregulation that has been talked about by the incoming administration.  It has become too hard to get anything approved let alone built.  I think this administration will be great for so many things.

Love just about all of his cabinet and administration picks except for Marco Rubio, who's too much of a neocon.

I love the cognitive dissonance as well by all the people who were much better off during his last administration as compared to the recent and ongoing disaster, yet are worried that he will ruin all the "good" we are experiencing under this latest administration.

I for one have been genuinely suffering a little bit as of lately and I await the end of this current nightmare.  Trump will be great, the majority of America wants him and I chuckle at all the Trump derangement that still exists and will always exist.

Joy Reid and Joy Behar are your people.  You can have them, they are laughably insane and deranged.
Bothering locals and trolling boards since 2005


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2024, 03:04:15 PM »
^ Gaetz just backed out.  Him and at least 2 other Trump nominees are tied to sex scandals.  Many nominees want to deconstruct the agencies they are to head, not constructively improve their efficiencies or quality of services.  Some have questionable experience to deem them qualified for the positions they are being nominated for.  Others are on record for making unsupported and outrageous statements that conflict with the responsibilities they are being asked to carry out.  Few seem to have an open mind to digest ideas or protocols that don't fit their or Trump's preconceptions which are often misinformed or unfounded.  Blanket black and white statements that oversimplify complex issues are not productive. 

There also appears to be little appetite for consensus building or accommodating a wider range of legitimate interests or concerns.  Compromise and accommodation should not be dirty words in our complex and diverse world. The ultimate prerequisite is merely unfettered loyalty to Trump, no matter how outside the lines his demands may be.  Our government is predicated on checks and balances and Trump and his ilk want to undermine our founders vision for this which leans into an authoritarian government which is absolutely a danger to our country's future. 

Most Federal regulations exist because somewhere in our country's history there were unresolved issues that needed standardization, clarification or to address abuses that impacted our society. And, most have been approved or supported by both parties over the decades.

What Federal regulation curtailment would you like to see that doesn't have consequences elsewhere that the regulations were designed to address?

The generalization of posters here who don't align with you is inappropriate and unfair.  This "name calling" that typifies MAGA supporters helps drive the divisiveness and partisanship we see today and doesn't serve anyone well.  Before Trump's arrival, the level of name calling that exists today was never deemed appropriate or practiced to this degree.  His demonization, belittling, targeting and threatening anyone who doesn't line up with him is unparalleled, unprecedented, mean-spirited and childish.  I fear for our young people who think this is a model for conducting themselves as they become adults. 

Trump's stain on our country will take decades to eradicate if we survive that long.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2024, 11:40:47 PM by jaxlongtimer »


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2024, 09:30:28 PM »
Don’t forget racist, rapist, homophobic bigots! Wait, am I seeing a trend here?


Fellas, fellas.

Let’s not forget misogynist, insurrectionist, and Nazi sympathizer.

Oooh…oooh… how about denier and revisionist… 8)
In a boat at sea one of the men began to bore a hole in the bottom of the boat. On being remonstrating with, he answered, "I am only boring under my own seat." "Yes," said his companions, "but when the sea rushes in we shall all be drowned with you."


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2024, 11:18:52 PM »
I love the cognitive dissonance as well by all the people who were much better off during his last administration as compared to the recent and ongoing disaster, yet are worried that he will ruin all the "good" we are experiencing under this latest administration.

Wait, are we discounting the fact that a global pandemic took place in 2020 that disrupted the entire world economy? Lord knows, I don't think Joe Biden was the world's greatest President, but inflation didn't skyrocket because of his economic policy specifically. Inflation skyrocketed because we injected a shit-ton of extra purchasing power into the economy to stave off a depression by way of:

1. Multiple stimulus checks
2. Beefed up unemployment benefits for those with jobs displaced by COVID
3. Pauses on evictions and student loan repayments
4. COVID-related tax breaks
5. Cost savings associated with seismic shifts to WFH
6. Labor shortages during the pandemic, resulting in increased wages

To be clear, these decisions spanned both presidencies and were absolutely the right thing to do, but when you're pushing that much extra money into the economy to stave off a depression/deep recession, the basic laws of supply and demand suggest that you're going to devalue the dollar and struggle with inflation.

Let's not forget the historic losses in the tech sector over the last 12 months as the result of the rise of AI and correction of overhiring during the post-covid bubble.

I'm not even normally a huge fan of the Federal Reserve, but it's a minor miracle that the Fed was able to manipulate interest rates in a way that has steadily cooled inflation while keeping unemployment low and wage growth net positive. If we can truly stick a soft landing after the entire world economy shut down, that's pretty damn impressive.

Also think there's a difference between being a leftist fanatic and thinking that the best man to lead the free world might not be the rapist from Epstein's plane with 30+ felonies on his record, an easily fact-checked history of flagrant lies, a Rolodex full of dictators, a cabinet that resembles one of Diddy's White Parties, no concern for the future of the planet, and a proud disdain for the lower class.

I don't doubt that a Trump administration might be good for your real estate portfolio, but at what expense? The basic rights to health for American women? The disbandment of immigrant families who are already here? A habitable planet for our great grandchildren?

Honest question: Do you not care about his character at all? Is the way he openly talks about women immaterial to you? Do you find nothing wrong with selecting an Attorney General actively under investigation for statutory rape? A Secretary of Education whose husband is under federal investigation for a raping a woman at his corporate headquarters and then shitting on her? Does the fact that dozens of his former aids warn that he wants to overthrow the U.S. government worry you? Are you not worried about the long term effects of drilling in our national preserves? Are you fine with ceding control of your wife, or daughter, or sister's reproductive system to your state government?

Totally get how someone could pinch their nose and say, "His economic policies will be better for me, despite all the horrific side bullshit."

Can't wrap my around people like you who, in your own words, actively "Love Trump."


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2024, 12:50:18 PM »
I do appreciate your opinion. I'm sorry, but I am not used to a logical reason why someone would vote for Trump. I am not in real estate, so I cannot speak on that interest. Most of my friends and family from my home state of Pennsylvania voted for Trump for absolutely batshit crazy ideas. And by the way, these are their literal ideas, not what I assume they believe because they voted for the other guy.

-Jesus sent Trump to the border to stop immigrants from eating our dogs and children.
-Biden and his cronies are using commercial jets to drop fire on California.
-Biden and his cronies are putting vaccines in the water to turn our children into transgender people (two bad things in one).
-The Covid vaccine had microchips put in to follow your thoughts and turn us into liberals.
-Transgender people are sneaking into schools at night and leaving books to instruct students on how to become transgender. Somehow these books also make the children decide to become transgender.
-Trump might be flawed, but so are many biblical historical figures and he is going to set things right. Although they can't recall who such historical figures were and what needs to be set right. They just mention something about pure good and evil.

Before Trump, most of these people were lovely friends and family. Now I can never talk to them again because they hate me and think I'm evil. And by the way, I vote both Dem and Rep. There is no need to have a conversation here because it is not worth it.

As for the other ten percent, who have a general economic interest and believe Trump will make their lives slightly better than the status quo. Here is my problem with rationalizing following Trump for economic reasons.

Trump is a psychopath. A psychopath does not care about anyone but themselves. They don't care about the general economy. They only care about the economy that serves them.
There is no strategy beyond that. Trump does not have a strategy about his cabinet appointments other than loyalty. This is how psychopaths work. It does not matter what kind of experience they have because this is not what is important. There are not too many (logical) people/professionals left who will follow him. They were burned the last time. This is why his picks are so chaotic and destructive. This will continue. In the past, he had some smart people around him. They have moved on and are now on every new channel warning people about him. We will have to wait and see.

The other point I want to make is the guardrails that were put in place were agreed upon by the left, middle, right, private sector, and public input. We don't like all of the ideas, but we work together to make our changes little by little, we vote in a fair election, and sometimes agree to disagree and move on for another day. I do a lot of work with colleagues in my institution. Many of us disagree, but we sit at the table and discover a path together. This is what logical people do. I have cherished my deep conversation with my conservative friends and some have changed my views on things.

This is not what we have.


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2024, 02:01:35 PM »
It's hilarious how matter of fact the general board is regarding being on board with leftist politics and rabidly anti Trump.

There are those of us deplorables who for whatever reason still pay some attention to this board who love Trump.  As someone who works in real estate, close to development, I welcome some deregulation that has been talked about by the incoming administration.  It has become too hard to get anything approved let alone built.  I think this administration will be great for so many things.

Love just about all of his cabinet and administration picks except for Marco Rubio, who's too much of a neocon.

I love the cognitive dissonance as well by all the people who were much better off during his last administration as compared to the recent and ongoing disaster, yet are worried that he will ruin all the "good" we are experiencing under this latest administration.

I for one have been genuinely suffering a little bit as of lately and I await the end of this current nightmare.  Trump will be great, the majority of America wants him and I chuckle at all the Trump derangement that still exists and will always exist.

Joy Reid and Joy Behar are your people.  You can have them, they are laughably insane and deranged.

No use dude. This is a liberal echo chamber when specific city matters are not the topics of conversation. They never read beyond the headlines which is why so many people here still think Trump is a Russian asset from 2016, that Trump called Nazis "very fine people", that if he didn't win the election "there will be a bloodbath" insinuating a civil war, etc, etc, etc. 

No matter how many times they've been lied to about Trump, as long as the next headline is a negative one, it will instantly be believed and anyone who doesn't see things their way is also just another fascist Nazi. (Whatever happened to the end of the world because Trump had access to the nuclear codes his first term? Got that one wrong so time to pick a new scare tactic! He's Hitler!") 

You want a secure border? You want the Russia/Ukraine conflict to end? You don't want our military to be the world's police? You despise Washington and want its bloated budget and bureaucracy reduced? You acknowledge the fact that most of this country is in terrible health and want to actually look at preventative approaches instead of endless treatments? Quite frankly then, you're just an uneducated racist homophobic bigot who's scared of a female president.


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2024, 07:03:07 PM »
You want a secure border? Bipartisan, yes.

You want the Russia/Ukraine conflict to end? Bipartisan, yes.

You don't want our military to be the world's police? Bipartisan support to do so if it is in our national interest.

You despise Washington and want its bloated budget and bureaucracy reduced? Budget issues are caused by bipartisan support.  Dems spend and GOPers both spend and reduce revenue with tax cuts.  Using the tax code as a bureaucratic example, GOP and Dems both have plenty of plums in it for their wealthy supporters to pay less than you and me.  Take them out and the IRS is much more efficient.  Apply this approach to almost all government regulations thanks to the power of special interest money in elections. The conservative Supreme Court threw gasoline on the fire when it ruled corporations are "people" in Citizens United that can make unlimited campaign contributions aka legalized bribery.

You acknowledge the fact that most of this country is in terrible health and want to actually look at preventative approaches instead of endless treatments? Guess you are favoring national health insurance as this is the quickest, most efficient and productive way to improve the nation's total health score for less dollars. Aside, supporting science that includes the efficacy of vaccines, good affordable and accessible nutrition, proactive pregnancy care, value of sex education and birth control, allowing doctors to care for their patients without government interference, supporting drug dependency clinics, supporting negotiated drug pricing for Medicare and Medicaid, adequately funding preventative programs, funding school lunch programs, supporting and improving - not dismantling - FDA, NIH, HHS, USDA, etc.  Not seeing today's GOPers on board with much of this

Quite frankly then, you're just an uneducated racist homophobic bigot who's scared of a female president. Plenty of homophobic and sexist implications by GOPers starting with Trump.

In the end, our differences are often imaginary, exaggerated or honest differences of opinion as to the best way to proceed.  Others are due to a failure to communicate.  The absence of civil conversations, the unwillingness to compromise and/or accommodate differing positions, the threat to overrun checks and balances or to take retribution against those who disagree, led by Trump's antics, is the danger to our nation that many are first and foremost concerned about. 

And, when it is all said and done, as Jcjohnpait explained succinctly, Trump is truly a madman only interested in prioritizing himself, not you, me or anyone else who voted for him.  Starting with he wants to now fire all DoJ staff attorneys who investigated him for Januaryy 6th or contested him in court over his false 2020 election claims (a great example of both his denial of reality and inability to let go of anything that impeded on his ego).
« Last Edit: November 22, 2024, 07:09:53 PM by jaxlongtimer »


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #25 on: November 22, 2024, 08:07:25 PM »
I didn’t call anyone a Nazi. I base my opinions on the words from Trump’s mouth. Sorry, he does talk a lot! I can draw my own opinions. I know how media can be corrupted by party umbrella and donors. Both sides. I appreciate Simms’ logic and honesty. I just don’t think Trump cares about anything, but himself. I don’t think he cares about Nazis and racists. They are just tools to him. Yes, typically dictators are sociopaths and psychotics. The question I have is… will our political system accept it? I don’t think so.
Does he have a genius none of understand? It does not matter.


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #26 on: November 22, 2024, 11:38:48 PM »
I don't see why folks would be surprised at how other Americans voted, and deep down I don't think many really are. We are a very divided country right now and people are looking for and listening to different things. More often than not, what one person likes about a candidate (cutting taxes/investing in infrastructure!) is not what the next person hates about them (cutting Medicare/not fixing inflation!). There are some issues where the population really is deeply conflicted, like abortion and immigration, and the swings and peculiarities particular to the individual election, but for most things, it's a matter of picking what you like and what you can live with. In the end, a divided country led to a very tight election by the numbers, as all the polls and data suggested would happen.

It's hilarious how matter of fact the general board is regarding being on board with leftist politics and rabidly anti Trump.

There are those of us deplorables who for whatever reason still pay some attention to this board who love Trump.  As someone who works in real estate, close to development, I welcome some deregulation that has been talked about by the incoming administration.  It has become too hard to get anything approved let alone built.  I think this administration will be great for so many things.

Love just about all of his cabinet and administration picks except for Marco Rubio, who's too much of a neocon.

I love the cognitive dissonance as well by all the people who were much better off during his last administration as compared to the recent and ongoing disaster, yet are worried that he will ruin all the "good" we are experiencing under this latest administration.

I for one have been genuinely suffering a little bit as of lately and I await the end of this current nightmare.  Trump will be great, the majority of America wants him and I chuckle at all the Trump derangement that still exists and will always exist.

Joy Reid and Joy Behar are your people.  You can have them, they are laughably insane and deranged.

No use dude. This is a liberal echo chamber when specific city matters are not the topics of conversation. They never read beyond the headlines which is why so many people here still think Trump is a Russian asset from 2016, that Trump called Nazis "very fine people", that if he didn't win the election "there will be a bloodbath" insinuating a civil war, etc, etc, etc. 

No matter how many times they've been lied to about Trump, as long as the next headline is a negative one, it will instantly be believed and anyone who doesn't see things their way is also just another fascist Nazi. (Whatever happened to the end of the world because Trump had access to the nuclear codes his first term? Got that one wrong so time to pick a new scare tactic! He's Hitler!") 

You want a secure border? You want the Russia/Ukraine conflict to end? You don't want our military to be the world's police? You despise Washington and want its bloated budget and bureaucracy reduced? You acknowledge the fact that most of this country is in terrible health and want to actually look at preventative approaches instead of endless treatments? Quite frankly then, you're just an uneducated racist homophobic bigot who's scared of a female president.

Speaking as someone who works in local politics, blasting politicians, parties, policies, the machine, etc. is one thing, but it never makes sense to disparage your fellow voters. It definitely doesn't make people who already disagree with you more likely to see things your way.

I didn’t call anyone a Nazi. I base my opinions on the words from Trump’s mouth. Sorry, he does talk a lot! I can draw my own opinions. I know how media can be corrupted by party umbrella and donors. Both sides. I appreciate Simms’ logic and honesty. I just don’t think Trump cares about anything, but himself. I don’t think he cares about Nazis and racists. They are just tools to him. Yes, typically dictators are sociopaths and psychotics. The question I have is… will our political system accept it? I don’t think so.
Does he have a genius none of understand? It does not matter.

One thing that's true of American politics these days is that the pendulum always swings back. A politician can survive it, they can use their time to shift the course to a great or lesser degree, but it always comes back.
Do you believe that when the blue jay or another bird sings and the body is trembling, that is a signal that people are coming or something important is about to happen?


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #27 on: November 24, 2024, 10:07:55 AM »
I realize that this is antiquated thinking, but I believe that if you've been found liable for sexual abuse and that your lies incited a riot on the U.S. Capitol building, then you should be disqualified from leading the country.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2024, 05:00:32 PM by Todd_Parker »


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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2024, 03:01:32 PM »
You want a secure border? Bipartisan, yes.

You want the Russia/Ukraine conflict to end? Bipartisan, yes.

You don't want our military to be the world's police? Bipartisan support to do so if it is in our national interest.

You despise Washington and want its bloated budget and bureaucracy reduced? Budget issues are caused by bipartisan support.  Dems spend and GOPers both spend and reduce revenue with tax cuts.  Using the tax code as a bureaucratic example, GOP and Dems both have plenty of plums in it for their wealthy supporters to pay less than you and me.  Take them out and the IRS is much more efficient.  Apply this approach to almost all government regulations thanks to the power of special interest money in elections. The conservative Supreme Court threw gasoline on the fire when it ruled corporations are "people" in Citizens United that can make unlimited campaign contributions aka legalized bribery.

You acknowledge the fact that most of this country is in terrible health and want to actually look at preventative approaches instead of endless treatments? Guess you are favoring national health insurance as this is the quickest, most efficient and productive way to improve the nation's total health score for less dollars. Aside, supporting science that includes the efficacy of vaccines, good affordable and accessible nutrition, proactive pregnancy care, value of sex education and birth control, allowing doctors to care for their patients without government interference, supporting drug dependency clinics, supporting negotiated drug pricing for Medicare and Medicaid, adequately funding preventative programs, funding school lunch programs, supporting and improving - not dismantling - FDA, NIH, HHS, USDA, etc.  Not seeing today's GOPers on board with much of this

Quite frankly then, you're just an uneducated racist homophobic bigot who's scared of a female president. Plenty of homophobic and sexist implications by GOPers starting with Trump.

In the end, our differences are often imaginary, exaggerated or honest differences of opinion as to the best way to proceed.  Others are due to a failure to communicate.  The absence of civil conversations, the unwillingness to compromise and/or accommodate differing positions, the threat to overrun checks and balances or to take retribution against those who disagree, led by Trump's antics, is the danger to our nation that many are first and foremost concerned about. 

And, when it is all said and done, as Jcjohnpait explained succinctly, Trump is truly a madman only interested in prioritizing himself, not you, me or anyone else who voted for him.  Starting with he wants to now fire all DoJ staff attorneys who investigated him for Januaryy 6th or contested him in court over his false 2020 election claims (a great example of both his denial of reality and inability to let go of anything that impeded on his ego).

The problem is these "antics" of Trump are always viewed through one lens which is usually through the lens of his political opponents. Trump was in the public spotlight for decades before he decided he was no longer a Democrat and ran for president as a Republican. I don't recall anyone accusing him of being a Hitler wannabe or E Jean Carroll accusing him of rape (until she had a book that needed to be sold). It became accusations galore. Almost all of which were some of the biggest lies we've ever seen in a presidential campaign/term. For almost 4 years, Trump had to watch half the country become convinced he colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary because that was the story on repeat every hour on MSM.

That story, like all lies, collapsed on itself worse than a beach front home on Vilano. So with that being considered, I'm all for Trump being a wrecking ball to fight back given the ugliness politics have shown us over the recent years.

The Russia Collusion Hoax should give any rational, objective person reason to pause the next time those same media members and Washington insiders cook up the next big 24/7 scandal involving Trump. But then again, the media told you all he called white supremacists ''very fine people''. Many of you believed it. Just another lie. In fact, when the only thing you know to do is lie, you'll literally make up a lie about anything just because you think you can. Take this trip down memory lane as an example.... Please also make sure to laugh at the headline "mistakenly"

So, do we want a media that actually reports the news instead of play the propaganda arm for the state? Yes. Do we want rational and civil debate? Yes. Do I think Trump voters should distance themselves from family members who voted for someone else? No. Anyone who tries to cut off relationships due to political differences is a fragile minded child.

Do I have my own disagreements with Trump? Yes. When Trump admitted he allowed too much of the Republican party leadership to fill his cabinet his first term, do I believe that? Judging by how things are going so far in his cabinet this time, I'd say it seems entirely reasonable. Same goes for his unwillingess to veto a single spending bill his first term. So yes, I still lay blame of spending on all of Washington.

Lastly, am I the only person in Jacksonville for voted for Donna and Trump? Probably not - but doubt there are that many of us!

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Re: Trump Presidency #2
« Reply #29 on: November 25, 2024, 03:27:14 PM »
I for one have been genuinely suffering a little bit as of lately and I await the end of this current nightmare.
Please elaborate.