The incentives seem to be specific for mortgage and technology operations. I know some of the big banks with local presence (Citi, Chase, Wells Fargo) have really scaled back their mortgage business in recent years. Something like Sofi would make sense.
Given the description of "mortgage and technology divisions" I'm thinking either SoFi or Macquarie.
SoFi has fewer than 300 employees in Jax. Macquarie is right in that same ballpark.
The project summary filed with the Office of Economic Development notes a company that currently has 1,500+ employees in Jax (including an incentive to keep all 1,500 here), with plans to bring 500 more "executive level and front office staff" positions to Jacksonville.
Screw it, storm is now a Category 5, Travon Walker has now gotten credit for 4 sacks yesterday, a vagrant in JWJ Park referred to me as "Baby Blue" when I walked by, I'm gonna double down on my prediction:
Project Paper Company = Black Knight, moving to the Southside to create a campus for an expanded corporate staff, while trying to parlay their existing campus into residential conversion.