The #1 problem IMHO with Downtown is all the silos... DVI, DIA, VisitJax, Sports Council, JTA, FDOT, Mayor's Office, City Council, COJ Planning Dept., COJ Public Works, COJ Parks, COJ Planning Commission, COJ DDRB, 1st Downtown Jacksonville, Downtown Dwellers, Buildup Downtown, etc.... with no master planning or coordination between them. Until all these groups plus nonprofits (cultural institutions, foundations, social service agencies, Riverkeeper, educational institutions, etc.), residents, businesses, developers, etc. get on the same page, Downtown will continue to ping-pong along, well below its potential.
It is like watching a slow motion train wreck. I would say the emperor is naked and no one is calling it out but we don't even have an emperor to call out. We need one point of accountability for all things Downtown and until we do, we will have everyone doing their own thing to feed their self interests, egos, or as cover for their inherent incompetency. To add, Downtown planning needs to be expanded to include integrating the entire urban core, not just the strict boundaries of Downtown. Downtown needs full urban support to thrive.