A lot of these projects have stalled out real slow work can’t blame the city for all these problems especially the fountain work now seeing all these photos like college street homes. there still building them. they are houses for peat sakeseasier to build than a big concrete building. That was approved back in 2019 and there still working on it. The symphony park on the northbank is also under construction and the bulkheads, also the hendricks reddi arts complex is also still under construction. Some of these projects shouldn’t take this long to build but here we are. So can’t blame the city or developers on this like the fountain when everyone is suffering. Don’t think it is city or developer problem but maybe a worker and material problem. Ive seen clay county on housing boom so probably alot of workers have been taken to work on those projects and short on manpower over here spread to thin.maybe the banks aren’t lending more money right now to them. Today they put up the traffic lights at the popeyes across from highland lakes at argyle forest and its been like a year or more since they rebuilt the intersection and put in the foundation for the lights and all this time they finally put them up. A simple thing for a truck to haul the poles and bring them there put up.