Why are there people hanging around? I couldn't read the text on the first few images on my phone.
At the risk of stating the obvious, and maybe even defending JTA a little bit, it's pretty straightforward who the people in the rendering are.
clearly the transportation leaders from all over the world who have come to Jacksonville to collectively hoist Nat Ford onto a gilded throne and congratulate him on expending the full mass transportation budget of America's largest city on a fleet of 40 remote control golf carts that plod nonsensically over a 4 mile range, only
occasionally run over the homeless, and
probably won't drive clear off the side of the Main Street Bridge if they encounter a quarter inch of rain.
Only reason that the Autonomous Innovation Center will be empty is if said leaders have already departed back to their archaic, lesser cities with a clown car of their own under one arm and a framed 8x10 of Nat Ford under the other.