While at FAMU, students could also ride the bus system for free. Most who did not have cars, took advantage of that opportunity.
My son is enrolled in a small private university in Atlanta. He does not have a car. During his freshman year, he and his friends would walk or take uber/lyft to get to the grocery store, restaurants, entertainment, etc. off-campus.
I recently spoke to students at EWU and asked them similar questions, thinking that there is an opportunity for New Town and Kings Road to be much more than what they are today economically. Those students mentioned that since the school doesn't have enough dorm space, the school had contracted with a hotel near the airport and provides bus service to connect them with the campus to attend classes. They also mentioned a need for businesses along the Kings Road corridor that could cater to the student population and critical mass of people that EWU draws into that area. Other than Popeye's Chicken and Checkers, many of those students also find ways to get to other areas of town like Town Center, for entertainment, dining, services, etc. Overall, it seems that kids do get off campus, regardless of if they have their own transportation or not.
LOL, you didn't date your friend just so she would clean your clothes?! Did she cook for you too
LOL, while that was certainly a benefit, I wasn't that shallow. I spent plenty money on gas, driving her around and paying for food, movies, etc.