It seems like JTA is intentionally creating sunk costs such that we get to a point where, politically, the city can't walk away from the project.
Why did the cost increase? Because of an entirely foreseeable situation where JTA face-palms and exclaims, "Gee, we can't use the Skyway O&M facility! Silly us, we forgot the Skyway had to continue operating! Oh well, we already have $49 million, what's $16M more?"
Why blow $65 million on a full build-out of an AV implementation on Bay Street without running any kind of pilot there? How much would it have cost to run a bus-based shuttle along the proposed route and stand up a few bare-bones stops to test the concept and demand for such a transit loop? Because...the BSIC isn't really meant to be true transit; it's just an extension of Armsdale, and $65 million in sunk costs means we're stuck with it. Also, by running a pilot, they might inadvertently prove that buses would be a highly cost-effective solution. Can't have that! Or worse still, that if buses aren't successful, maybe there's no demand for this route. Certainly if we can wait 10 years (2015-2025), we aren't desperate for a BSIC route.
Why not propose dedicated ROW from day 1? Certainly they knew it was preferable and would ease implementation. But then, they might not have gotten the support of Council if they realized the true scope of the tradeoffs. Surfacing these tradeoffs only after years of sunk time and cost into research and planning allows them to shrug and say, "Well, we've come this far...."
Regarding the video, it's hard not to laugh at the list of "experts" they use to prop up their argument that transit professionals "know this technology works." Who knows the technology works? Well, of course, all of those stakeholders whose livelihoods depend on it working! But don't just trust them--ask a few corporate reps who have everything to gain from JTA's reckless pursuit of AVs! They'll vouch for it! Meanwhile, JTA enthusiastically positions itself as the first penguin into the water.
Conspicuously lacking is even a single shred of data from the 8 years of "study" at JTA or anywhere else. If they had any interest in silencing their detractors, they would address head-on how they've solved for the well-known issues that plague AVs.