You think the Anastasia plans are bad, they want to mow down 500 acres of Jonathan Dickinson to build three golf courses! Like there aren't enough golf courses in south Florida??? WTFFFFF.
I will say though. It is near impossible to get a camping spot at any of our state parks anymore. There needs to be a section of each park campground set aside for the people who actually live here vs letting them be 100% reservation based to whoever signs up first a year in advance.
The Jonathan Dickinson plans are hilariously bad. JD is in the middle of potentially the greatest concentration of golf courses in the world, with around 100 within 20 miles. The opposition is already massive, and I don't see any way it actually happens.
You are a million percent spot on about the camping thing. If you have an annual state park pass, you should get priority reservations over out of staters. Many of them basically come and live in the campgrounds in the fall, winter, or spring.
I would like to see the state enhance the lodging options in state parks, but nothing close to a 350 room hotel.