Nobody here is against parks. Just pointing out that COJ owns 110 acres of waterfront land in downtown and another 11 acres of the southbank is owned by JEA and the school district. We can oooh and ahhh over a pool in the river, but lets work on the low hanging fruit first.
FYI, it appears your numbers may need to be updated. On the Southbank, JEA's land is now what has been called the District, a development. I would venture to say when you subtract the Four Seasons and sites the City is holding out for developers on the riverfront (old courthouse, city hall, Berkman and part of the landing) it may be far less than 110 acres on the Northbank.
Even with all that, the amount of acreage, whatever it is, is much less than other cities of our size, or so, strive to put aside for waterfront access. And, I was responding to your general comment about access to the river... pretty much the rest of the City has very little given its population and geographic size. It only will get worse if our City continues on its population growth track in the coming years. We are being way too short-sighted but, hey, we can't master plan Downtown, so no surprise, we can't plan much else either.