Author Topic: Jaguars’ stadium, sports district could cost City of Jacksonville more than $1B  (Read 61797 times)


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I'm really hoping that all of the money & resources allocated to the Eastside won't be wasted with red tape. I understand the focus to lift up that area, but I feel like the billions of projects nearby will have more of a positive effect for the Eastside, than several Northside/Westside areas (that still don't have running water & sewer).

Our downtown is intended to be the economic powerhouse of our entire city.


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^Keep in mind, the Eastside isn't downtown and has been redlined and disenfrachised dating back to a time when most of the city was still swamp and turpentine woods. It, along with NW Jax have gotten the short end of the investment stick in this town at a rate that no other community in this city can lay claim too.

Without intential Eastside investment and for specific strategic community elements, billions in random private investment by people who don't understand the community culture will simply displace and gentrify the neighborhood. They don't want to be another Brooklyn or LaVilla. What happened to those neighborhoods is not viewed as successful revitalization by long time Eastside residents. Thus, they are working to be proactive, which is something that's never really been done effectively in Jacksonville.

I suspect we're really going to find out what various council members and segments of the local population really think about investment in long disenfranchised communities within our city limits as opposed to the general lip service traditionally provided. Whatever happens, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. There's a chance that this could become a national model for withintrification and dealing with professional sports facilities and urban planning.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2024, 11:20:30 AM by thelakelander »
"A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” - Muhammad Ali


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As a side note, I have no real issue with them playing in Gainesville temporarily. The team and the city need to do a better job of promoting themselves as a regional attraction and this gives them a prime platform to do so.

I'm fine with any community, including Orlando. As long as they're locked into a longterm lease, its an opportunity to build the brand to a much larger population and future generation of fans.
"A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” - Muhammad Ali


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^Keep in mind, the Eastside isn't downtown and has been redlined and disenfrachised dating back to a time when most of the city was still swamp and turpentine woods. It, along with NW Jax have gotten the short end of the investment stick in this town at a rate that no other community in this city can lay claim too.

Without intential Eastside investment and for specific strategic community elements, billions in random private investment by people who don't understand the community culture will simply displace and gentrify the neighborhood. They don't want to be another Brooklyn or LaVilla. What happened to those neighborhoods is not viewed as successful revitalization by long time Eastside residents. Thus, they are working to be proactive, which is something that's never really been done effectively in Jacksonville.

I suspect we're really going to find out what various council members and segments of the local population really think about investment in long disenfranchised communities within our city limits as opposed to the general lip service traditionally provided. Whatever happens, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. There's a chance that this could become a national model for withintrification and dealing with professional sports facilities and urban planning.

Like I said, I hope it all works out to benefit the citizens there. My only potential issue with the concept is that there are other parts of Jacksonville with plats, dating back to the 1910's & 1920's that still don't have basic city services. It's a question of priorities, in which all I want to highlight is that this plan can be used negatively if done without the proper checks & balances. It would be a disservice to the dozens of other areas that still require basic city services, within our city limits, for more than 100 years.


  • The Jaxson
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Like I said, I hope it all works out to benefit the citizens there. My only potential issue with the concept is that there are other parts of Jacksonville with plats, dating back to the 1910's & 1920's that still don't have basic city services. It's a question of priorities, in which all I want to highlight is that this plan can be used negatively if done without the proper checks & balances. It would be a disservice to the dozens of other areas that still require basic city services, within our city limits, for more than 100 years.

I agree the other areas need help. In fact, they need more than $150-300 million. But I also acknowledge that it ain't all coming from this particular stadium project.
"A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” - Muhammad Ali


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Drum roll...

Key point for me is Jags cover cost overruns.  That could bring the deal back to 50/50 or better.  No mention so far about the community funding.

Looks like construction starts by 2025 to finish in 4 years at 2028.
Jaguars Stadium of the Future deal includes $775 million in public funding

...The framework of the deal, which Mayor Donna Deegan’s office has been negotiating with the NFL team since August, includes a 50-50 split with the Jaguars for the estimated $1.25 billion cost of building the stadium. In addition, the city would provide $150 million for deferred maintenance and ongoing capital improvements.

The split for the total costs is 55%-45% with the city picking up the majority. The Jaguars will cover cost overruns.

Plans call for a four-year construction timeline with the stadium opening in 2028....
« Last Edit: May 14, 2024, 06:03:52 PM by jaxlongtimer »


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Starting a new thread for the formal deal, since I figure we’ll want to talk about it a bit more distinctly over the next few months from the previous discussions.
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