^Keep in mind, the Eastside isn't downtown and has been redlined and disenfrachised dating back to a time when most of the city was still swamp and turpentine woods. It, along with NW Jax have gotten the short end of the investment stick in this town at a rate that no other community in this city can lay claim too.
Without intential Eastside investment and for specific strategic community elements, billions in random private investment by people who don't understand the community culture will simply displace and gentrify the neighborhood. They don't want to be another Brooklyn or LaVilla. What happened to those neighborhoods is not viewed as successful revitalization by long time Eastside residents. Thus, they are working to be proactive, which is something that's never really been done effectively in Jacksonville.
I suspect we're really going to find out what various council members and segments of the local population really think about investment in long disenfranchised communities within our city limits as opposed to the general lip service traditionally provided. Whatever happens, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. There's a chance that this could become a national model for withintrification and dealing with professional sports facilities and urban planning.