Yes, many call the part of LaVilla that wasn't taken out by urban renewal, the Rail Yard District now. The Rail Yard District is a branding of several historic neighborhoods situated around Honeymoon Yard, including LaVilla, Mixontown, Campbell's Addition, New Town, Robinson's Addition, etc., that have gotten the short end of the economic investment stick (lack of the city's attention) for decades.
The lack of knowledge of these areas, lead to many people believing that the historic LaVilla community is no longer. Many also think that I-95 is LaVilla's western border, which is also incorrect, as I-95 was intentionally built through the middle of the neighborhood in the 1950s. As a result, many downtown initiatives fail from a community engagement perspective because the people hired and the entities that hire them, don't really know or effectively reach out to the community they are attempting to plan for.