^ Some say Putin is actually trying to create a distraction to take the Russian people's attention away from all the things wrong in their country such as a lousy quality of life under Putin's leadership. Supposedly, Putin, in support of this, has cranked up his propaganda machine to full speed telling Russians that Ukraine is a threat to Russia.
Putin knows Ukraine is no threat to Russia, It's the other way around. And, he may not like NATO at his doorstep, but NATO clearly has no intention or reason to "invade" Russia so Putin is just trumping up that issue. NATO might even be willing to agree to hold back on stationing certain military assets in Ukraine as long as Russia was behaving, just to throw in a bone.
Some pundits believe Putin should be more worried about the rumblings in Kazakhstan, which, to date has had pro-Putin puppets leading the country. The unrest there could be taken as a exemplar for the Russian people which is Putin's ultimate concern.
This is all about Putin maintaining his hold on power while overseeing a corrupt and murderous bureaucracy that he is plundering for his own financial gain. It is amazing that for over 100 years, an otherwise very intelligent people, have tolerated so many terrible leaders that have turned around and abused them. Unfortunately, there are some today in this country who feel we might be facing a similar fate going forward.