Wordle 1,166 4/6
111 game streak, 98.1% over 671 games
Curious, I looked at the Wordle FAQ about how they calculate average solve score
When calculating the average guesses for WordleBot users, what score do you give to those who didn’t solve the puzzle in six turns?
The bot uses the expected steps needed for WordleBot to solve the puzzle, based on the solutions left after a reader fails. If a reader eliminated every solution but one, the score would be 7. If more than one solution remained after six tries, the score would be somewhat higher.
But, in the snapshot stats after you finish, "average solve" isn't one of the stats they report. How do you calculate your Average Solve number? Do you ignore failures, or use some number larger than 6 for fails?
Using the little bar chart on the Stats page, which seems to ignore Fails, my average solve is 3.92
Ignoring my (13) Fails, over 671 games, my Avg. Solve is 3.995 guesses.
For my spreadsheet, I use "8" guesses for fails, which gives me 4.073 Average Solve
Numbers are Cool!