It’s a Sordid Dance.
Proliferation of Guns to guard against the increasing population of criminals like the subject of this latest episode.
Demographic shift,West Side, 103 St Corridor, Arlington “ Encircled” and the pressure on Riverside inevitable.
Lots of lessons for personal protection studies.More Chapter Headings than most realize or can even imagine.
Had the table been turned, had she put the Bad Guy down, she might have faced retribution from the Bad Guys.
The best defense? Situational Awareness- which can lead to “For Sale “ sign.
Nothing New.
“ Flight”.
I reside not very far away, a neighborhood that is not as prone to Door Pulling.
The few instances have been classic.
The more your neighbors are prone to conduct illegal activity, the more the “ good” folks will exhibit a propensity to Move Out.
If the entire population of Jacksonville was more exactly like my neighborhood, such criminal activity and the need for “ Defense” would be greatly reduced, near non existent.