Author Topic: Murder on Myra Street  (Read 20301 times)


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Murder on Myra Street
« on: August 11, 2021, 10:38:24 PM »
The investigation into the murder of a Coast Guard member on Myra Street a week ago has revealed the murder weapon was stolen from a car 2 weeks prior in the same neighborhood. I have some issues with the 2nd Amendment (I think assault weapons are ridiculously dangerous and way too widely dispersed for starters) but really think this event illustrates why all gun owners should be required to have, at minimum, an accidental death and injury insurance policy.  Whoever was reckless enough to leave the weapon unsecured bears some liability in this death.

Florida Power And Light

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Re: Murder on Myra Street
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2021, 10:51:44 PM »
At this point it might be “ Reckless” to reside in Riverside.


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Re: Murder on Myra Street
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2021, 11:51:32 PM »
At this point it might be “ Reckless” to reside in Riverside.

Don't worry, they aren't expecting you to.
Do you believe that when the blue jay or another bird sings and the body is trembling, that is a signal that people are coming or something important is about to happen?


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Re: Murder on Myra Street
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2021, 06:26:09 AM »
I understand the murderer was caught...
In a boat at sea one of the men began to bore a hole in the bottom of the boat. On being remonstrating with, he answered, "I am only boring under my own seat." "Yes," said his companions, "but when the sea rushes in we shall all be drowned with you."

Florida Power And Light

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Re: Murder on Myra Street
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2021, 09:37:21 PM »
At this point it might be “ Reckless” to reside in Riverside.

Don't worry, they aren't expecting you to.

I am a former Riverside resident.
Rented a wonderful place from Gage Ogden. Her husband was a former Florida Legislator that I greatly admired.Engaged with on Florida Conservation and Growth Management matters.
When I announced I was moving out, Gage offered to sell to me the entire complex.
I have known and studied Riverside/ Avondale since 1979.
Long enough to witness two former County planners from adjoining counties- one from Clay County / Susan F., and one from St Johns county.
Both inextricably involved in land use and zone/ First Coast Beltway proceedings that would transform those counties, and both eventually lodged within RAP. Champions of “ Change”.
Spin It.
Was a hoot to hear initial “ Riverside” headline response.
Oh yea, that’s not really Riverside, that’s not the “ Core”. That’s the cruddy section.
Even the local press referenced Riverside “ Area”.
The realtors upset.
I have witnessed many that have moved out.
Young family that headed to St. John’s, an Idaho couple that was attracted to Riverside, just in time for “Blind  Rabbit “ restaurant Murder down the street, and it wasn’t that episode so much but rather the constant wave of episodes, police officers knocking on door..... neighborhood lockdown.
Mr and Mrs Idaho moved to Fernandina.
And....... aw shucks..... Skip it.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2021, 09:51:03 PM by Florida Power And Light »


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Re: Murder on Myra Street
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2021, 12:30:31 PM »
evil happens.

is there anything in the data that would demonstrate this is getting worse in Riverside?

That said, please take a moment to talk with friends + family about what they would do in such a situation.  Be mentally ready to do it so when you're in the moment, you don't have to think. 

I say this because it's hard to imagine why confronting the thief was wise.   I do not at all - not in any way shape or form - blame the victim for the evil that was done.  That is not her fault.   I mere want to point out that as wrong as stealing is, I think most of us would rather not get hurt  or killed over replaceable property.

MusicMan 2 things:
a) if the car was locked, the gun was secure.  I suspect you mean the gun has a gun lock on it.  That creates some issues and doesn't prevent a thief from removing the gun lock - a trigger lock -  and using it. 

b) In law generally we don't view being negligent as a crime.  And when it is, it's usually because something you chose to do but didn't intend for the outcome.    Like selling someone opiods and they OD and die.  Or driving drunk.   Or running around shooting ones gun in the air.

I can understand wanting people to take more responsibility and care.  And maybe there is some room for that.  But off hand it's not obvious how.

Maybe.... or maybe it's as simple as a law Texas has in regards to making it a minor crime to leave your car running w/ the keys in the ignition?

Charles Hunter

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Re: Murder on Myra Street
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2021, 04:33:18 PM »
Not just in Texas
Florida Statutes
316.1975 Unattended motor vehicle.—
(1) A person driving or in charge of any motor vehicle may not permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition, and removing the key. A vehicle may not be permitted to stand unattended upon any perceptible grade without stopping the engine and effectively setting the brake thereon and turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the street. A violation of this section is a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a nonmoving violation as provided in chapter 318.

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Re: Murder on Myra Street
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2021, 10:01:54 PM »
It’s a Sordid Dance.

Proliferation of Guns to guard against the increasing population of criminals like the subject of this latest episode.
Demographic shift,West Side, 103 St Corridor, Arlington “ Encircled” and the pressure on Riverside inevitable.

Lots of lessons for personal protection studies.More Chapter Headings than most realize or can even imagine.
Had the table been turned, had she put the Bad Guy down, she might have faced retribution from the Bad Guys.

The best defense? Situational Awareness- which can lead to “For Sale “ sign.

Nothing New.

“ Flight”.

I reside not very far away, a neighborhood that is not as prone to Door Pulling.
The few instances have been classic.

The more your neighbors are prone to conduct illegal activity, the more the “ good” folks will exhibit a propensity to Move Out.

If the entire population of Jacksonville was more exactly like my neighborhood, such criminal activity and the need for “ Defense” would be greatly reduced, near non existent.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2021, 09:29:18 PM by Florida Power And Light »

Florida Power And Light

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Re: Murder on Myra Street
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2021, 08:19:04 PM »
Early press reports referenced location as Riverside “ Compartment “.


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Re: Murder on Myra Street
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2021, 07:48:43 AM »
Probably time to defund the JSO...
In a boat at sea one of the men began to bore a hole in the bottom of the boat. On being remonstrating with, he answered, "I am only boring under my own seat." "Yes," said his companions, "but when the sea rushes in we shall all be drowned with you."

Florida Power And Light

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Re: Murder on Myra Street
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2021, 07:01:39 PM »
Probably time to decide/ just did it Avondale Succession.
No more “RAP”.
After all ....... RAP signs hung on Resident Property have disappeared throughout the RAP district.....

“ Preservation”    ‘ District’.

Current RAP board members reads like a merchant organization ,” Diversity “.... no alignment to the major land use category; Residential.
And the former Prosser Hallock/ County “ Planner” that helped hammer down the First Coast Expressway...... now on the RAP Board “ to make a difference “.
Susan Fraser- Clay County “ Planner/ RAP resident.....
None of this will see more insight here unless I orchestrate such.

It’s a great privilege to have outgrown RAP and in fact, the Place.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 08:09:47 PM by Florida Power And Light »

Florida Power And Light

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Re: Murder on Myra Street
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2022, 08:10:37 PM »
Probably time to decide/ just did it Avondale Succession.
No more “RAP”.
After all ....... RAP signs hung on Resident Property have disappeared throughout the RAP district.....

“ Preservation”    ‘ District’.

Current RAP board members reads like a merchant organization ,” Diversity “.... no alignment to the major land use category; Residential.
And the former Prosser Hallock/ County “ Planner” that helped hammer down the First Coast Expressway...... now on the RAP Board “ to make a difference “.
Susan Fraser- Clay County “ Planner/ RAP resident.....
None of this will see more insight here unless I orchestrate such.

It’s a great privilege to have outgrown RAP and in fact, the Place.