Not to be a doomer about this but like what in the actual (insert word of choice here) is going on at JTA? If this was any private business, I'd just straight up say this is money laundering. There are so many 6-8 figure budget items that will just literally get wasted and never seen.
Here's some:
- 1.01.01: Undertake Annual Assessment $100,000
- 1.02.03: Human Capital Management Platform $882,000
- 1.06.01: Workforce Housing $2,400,000
- 4.01.01: Unified Mobile App (UMA) $10,800,000
- 4.03.01: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for
Customer Service $340,000
- 4.03.02: Avatar JTA Brand Ambassador $120,000 (as mentioned)
- 4.03.03: Wayfinding Strategic Plan and Technology $1,200,000
- 4.05.01: Stand-up a TDM Department within JTA $1,000,000
- 4.05.02: Behavioral Science-based Incentives $200,000
- 4.05.05: Mobility Wallet Subsidy $500,000
- 4.05.06: Travel Training and Customer Education $200,000
- 5.04.01: Mobility Hub Visioning Plan $500,000
- 5.05.01: Regional Satellite Facilities $1,000,000 (for what??)
- 5.05.02: Modernize Myrtle Ave. Operations Campus $12,000,000
- 5.07.02: Establish Data Interoperability Standards $500,000
- 5.07.04: Regional Transportation Governance and Coordination Assessment $500,000
- 6.01.01: Water Management $950,099 (water?)
- 6.01.02: High Efficiency Facility Upgrades $1,188,671
- 6.02.05: Long-Range Funding Strategy $100,000
- 6.03.01: Expand AV Shuttle Pilots throughout the Region $6,000,000 (lol)
- 6.04.01: Corridor Planning $800,000 (already done)
- 6.06.01: Advocacy Effort to Drive Changes in State and Federal Laws, Rules and Policy $500,000
- 6.06.02: New Scorecard for Transportation Funding $500,000
- 7.02.01: Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) $800,000
- 7.02.02: Transit-Oriented Development Leasing $500,000
- 7.02.03: Joint Development Initiative $500,000 (all three will be completely wasted)
- 7.03.01: Alternative Fueling P3 $800,000
- 7.03.02: Support Expansion of Broadband $500,000
- 7.06.01: Commission Art for JTA Assets $250,000 (lol)
- 7.06.02: Employee Art Program $250,000 (lol^2)
- 7.06.03: Artist in Residence Program $250,000 (lol^3)
I felt like I was being nice too. WTF is this. Straight up, someone connected enough needs to do something. JTA needs to be absolutely embarrassed by a large public voice. I'm waiting for the day.