^Gets back to the echo chamber problem. When the average citizen can see an absolute, generational, billion-dollar trainwreck coming with this dumpster fire, yet the DIA, DVI, Chamber, Mayor’s office, City Council, JaxUSA, and Visit Jax are all radio silent on the U2C - even though public transportation is key to downtown, regional, business, and tourism growth - we’re kinda fucked. Have been bouncing around for work the last few weeks - in New York now, Nashville last week, San Fran, Atlanta - it is just so insanely depressing to see how many other cities have nailed the basics and have seen quality of life and development explode as a result, and we’re still collectively sticking our heads in the sand as a populace while one man squanders DECADES of our gas tax on a RIDICULOUS vanity project serving 1.5 fucking miles of desolate brownfield while COMPLETELY ignoring tried and true fixed transportation solutions that could genuinely make a difference in this city. I genuinely hate it, and everyone in leadership turning a blind eye and not speaking up should be ashamed of themselves.