This site is so toxic when any Jags topic comes up. jesus y'all just need to STFU already. peace out.
Well, that's a good way to support our team

. You don't work for Curry do you?
Face it, there are at least 3 flavors of Jax Jag's citizens:
1. Those who could care less about the team - we shouldn't do anything to appease them.
2. Those who are infatuated with all things Jags (sounds like you qualify) - we should do everything to appease them.
3. Those who enjoy the Jags but draw a line somewhere on how much the taxpayers should appease them to keep them here. (Count me in this group.)
In the last category, there will be a wide range of lines drawn but the common thread is that the Jags don't have unlimited access to the taxpayer's pocketbooks. Further, if the Jags are going to be on the public dole, they should expect to have to deal with and address public inputs as they have made us their partners by using our funds.
This City has major unfunded and unmet needs that are piling up by the day due to our low tax structure and use of limited funds for, what some might argue, are less pressing priorities - which might include some or all of the Jag's projects.
So, please respect that there are differing opinions and choose a better way to make your points.