Sometimes I wonder if maybe FP&L has a doctorate of English and is just writing at a level above my head. Then I see his random capitalization of letters, obscenely long ellipses, and inability to spell Chick-Fil-A correctly. Maybe he doesn't eat the stuff, so he's not aware that they purposely misspell fillet, but that's not even the correct way to spell fillet unless you're French.... Hmmm maybe he's French..? That's unlikely because he has stated numerous times that his favorite restaurant in Avondale is The Brick which is boring, poorly executed, and overpriced. A Frenchman would know this and keep a safe distance. The Brick is fine dining to someone who has grown up on applebees and chilis like Trump is a successful genius to anyone who has never read a book.
In conclusion, I clearly put more thought into what FP&L says and how he says it than he does, so I need a new hobby.