So what should be the primary function of the Murray Hill commercial district, provide services to the residents/businesses of Murray Hill neighborhood or the 55,000 cars a day passing by on Roosevelt?
Actually.....both. Like Five Points, King Street, San Marco Square and 8th & Main, Edgewood's commercial district will fail if it only caters to residents that specifically live in Murray Hill. Businesses need all the visibility and foot traffic they can get. Ask Dreamette if there's a difference in the cash they get from Murray Hill residents verses someone from Fairfax, Avondale or Lackawanna. I'm 100% sure, they'd like as much green as they can get.
Look, I'm not personally making a case for or against the project. I'm just stating that how you treat the frontage on Plymouth is just as important as Edgewood. You have an opportunity to wrap the corner and extend good infill and redevelopment along Plymouth between Edgewood and Post. For the urbanist you claim to be, you don't appear to be looking at the area holistically. Plymouth/Roosevelt Boulevard has the same zoning as Edgewood. However, the traffic count and visibility for commercial is significantly higher. It reminds me a lot of the intersection of Lake Park Avenue and E 53rd Street along Metra in Chicago's Hyde Park. E 53rd is the neighborhood's Edgewood Avenue but Lake Park Avenue and the paralleling Metra tracks have a much higher traffic count and more visibility to passing eyes. How that situation (Lake Park Avenue being home to infill requiring higher traffic counts and visibility) has been handled and whatever you're arguing for sound like complete opposites. Regardless of whether its a self storage center, hotel, grocery store or whorehouse, how it interacts with the pedestrian realm and helps/or hinders Murray Hill's sense of place matters.
I'm not arguing that a storage facility is the best use or what I would do if I owned it, but the choices are "oppose and try to stop it" and "make it the best damn storage facility in Jacksonville". My experience has been you are much better off spending your time making it the best possible storage facility. Leave NIMBYISM to the suburbanites.
Now you're being like Brian Hughes and Mayor Curry and limiting yourself from the start.....Why? Perhaps there's a third or fourth option out there where the property owner, developer and residents win. Perhaps its a mixed use project with a storage facility. Maybe it's something totally different. Let's bring an open mind and creativity to the table.