May 6 2019 update
With re-energized City Of Jacksonville support (after all...St Johns Village Grand Opening soon to occur....can't stand to look at a Mudflat Creek
) creek waterway and banks have seen survey and study crew out and about throughout all Project Study Sections; "A" commencing at Roosevelt Blvd downstream to Study Area "B",basically a point as far upstream as one can see from Herschel Street Bridge,ending downstream at Herschel Street bridge,"C" extending downstream from the bridge to the Creek mouth,"D" comprised of Little Fishweir Creek.
USACOE inclination now is to adhere to the original Project Preferred Alternative; restore the once prominent wetlands at the mouth of the creek,adjacent to St Johns Village across from Little Fishweir Creek,meandering off shore Morningside Street rather than the Funky "Island" Alternative conjured up because of the recent dock building along the Morningside shoreline.
The Island proposal was eventually meet with opposition and also by this writer during the time when the Island Alternative was first envisioned during USACOE Scoping process. And now the Marsh is under fire from some Morningside waterfront residents;some would want to see open water viewscape rather than marsh as clearly depicted in study photos dating back some decades.
Of course Creek Restoration is not solely for the benefit of Creek residents.
Why not just haul the dredge material away on a barge and dump at Blount Island or another designated spoil dump area....?
Because the premise of Creek Restoration funding has been Ecosystem Restoration,restoration of three acres or so of former creek mouth Marsh, "Habitat Units".
The Congressional funding assumption may need to be revised.
The State of Florida Department of Transportation is also in play- Herschel Street bridge aged piers. DOT wants assurance that removing infill sediment from around the bridge piers will not cause harmful effect to the piers.To this,one could note that in fact the Herschel Street Bridge piers were placed at the bridge location during a time the creek at the bridge location was in fact deeper,on order of current restoration depth plans.....Bingo! There may be DOT concerns with increased Creek water velocity,which also in fact would be a result of a restored creek system. One possible scenario is dredging would not occur around the Bridge piers,a 'sand bar' to remain just upstream.
DOT acknowledges Herschel Street bridge is due for replacement.