Well I'll post again to all the non-believers out there. As for the presentation please keep perspective, The plans that appear to be on or near the Skyway are "conceptual renderings". This phase is considered to be the most fluid of all phases, hence no animation. The importance of the renderings is not where the renderings appear to be placed downtown but that the idea itself is trying to land itself in downtown Jacksonville, there is space available in many places, but it is indisputable that no matter where it ends up it would be a good thing for the city. Moving on. As for the Theme Park it is a real and exciting idea and requires people to think on a bigger scale than they are used to in this city. I understand the skepticism on the Theme Park, I mean its big and the questions floating around about "where would it be? ,its too big" there will be thousands of questions like that asked, but rest assured we would not put out an idea like that without having the plans, locations, and forward planning in place for such a project. The important thing here is the first phase. Thats why its called a first phase, its the first step towards the rest of the project. Thats what we want to do right now and we want everyone to get behind it. We have been working at this for years now and know all about height limits, availability, who owns what, and the speed bumps we will encounter along the way. As the owner stated this "is a result of a vision that started 15 years ago". This just didn't happen overnight, it has taken us a while to get to where we are at, but ultimately everyone should know...again...thats its real and its big. TTYL