Meh, I'd prefer they ticket people throwing cigarettes out the window.
Seconded on the cigarettes -- drives me nuts, though I'm not against them ticketing people who are creating unsafe situations -- on the other hand, the people you find in chronic jaywalking areas like where spuwho is describing, would probably rather be doing something else.
I always slow down at the stretch of main street for a few blocks south of the MLK overpass because I know there will probably be people darting in and out of traffic crossing to/from the BP/Family Dollar and the restaurants on either side of the road.
I've also tried to stop for people in the new (ok 2 or 3 years old) marked crosswalks all along Main, and am invariably waved on by the pedestrian as someone flies around me in the adjacent lane... there is a serious lack or trust/respect between pedestrians and motorists.
At the town center I'm pretty sure people go from driving, not yielding to pedestrians, to walking across the TC, crossing streets acting indignant if cars don't stop for them.