I think this is an interesting idea that's well worth pursuing. I think the issue is how he's selling it. It's not an extension, obviously, when the previous tax had a built in sunset that would require a huge amount of effort to do again. It's a new tax, but it has the benefit of not affecting taxpayers more than they're used to.
Its NOT a new tax if you are already paying for the tax. New tax? Really? Going from 7% tax rate to 7.5%, now THAT would be a new tax. I hav more math for you, if needed.
If you are paying for the taxed rate now, its not a new tax, its the same taxed rate. Just like the toll roads that never went away, the BJP tax will never go away, although the mayor should discuss a way to pay for the fixing of the main library out of the BJP funds since the old contractor is going belly up.
Where was "I'm with Alvin" during all of the thought process? Raiding JEA was a good deal then, why not now? Did Alvin Brown crawl under a rock and never surface? Where are all of his staff who thought raiding the JEA piggy bank was a good idea?
Mayor Brown was the head of the Republican Party of Florida, geez, he knows how to get stuff done! First City Council, then Florida Legislature. Easy Peasy, nice and neaty!