You know, Adam -- what would it take for these fools to do to convince you that there is no Islamophobia? Is there *any* atrocity they could commit that would cause you to re-think your position. I know it's convenient to throw out that term and cease to do any further thinking, but the facts show they've opened their doors in Europe and even contemplated allowing the limited use of sharia law.
Where is the Islamophobia?
We in this country had to suffer all manner of liberal lectures after 9/11 about an "Islamophobia" that never was present nor ever reared its head, much to the credit of the nation.
Again, what freaking Islamophobia?
I'm confident my position is the far more accurate representation of American *and* European opinion right now. But you keep shouting Islamophobia; more and more people give less than a damn about attempts to slime people with that term, and the shouters help us identify those who would lead us down a suicidal path.
We damn well better have a phobia for headchoppers and people who are dedicated to blowing up those who will not bow to their demands.