I cannot tell you how good it is to finally see the Jacksonville Symphony providing some quality marketing content to this web site.
Their "media partner,", WJCT, has completely dropped the ball. Most cities in Florida would be delighted to have a full time, critically acclaimed professional symphony orchestra in residence in a true, dedicated Symphony Hall. Jacksonville does!!!!!!!!!
The management at WJCT has even gone so far as to remove the rebroadcast of the JSO from their Monday night lineup, which has been provided for at least 10 years to the station at no charge by the musicians of the orchestra.
I like the Jaguars but they are disgraceful right now. If you want to see something this city manages to produce that is fairly called "world class," go see the Orchestra. You'll be proud to call it your own.
I can see where my comments might seem harsh, since there is a parallel thread promoting a WJCT event featuring JSO musicians in a Chamber Music setting, but I take this personally (I'm a JSO memeber). Orchestras are incredibly rare in the USA (particularly Florida) and
I would love to see WJCT going out of their way to promote the live symphonic music in Jacksonville. Having lived in South Florida and performed all over the US, it is far more typical that the local NPR affiliate is a true partner in promoting the Orchestra. Here they treat the orchestra as a rival, not a partner.