I grew up on the Miami River.
To really know the Miami River,and Broward County's New River,is to know nothing similar ever existed in Northeast Florida.
(Lucky Us?

No such waterway vast meander,mouth handy near ocean/bay,targeted for pioneer development, exists here in Duval.
There are few bonafide 'lessons' to reveal,other than the subject of retaining water dependent marine facility,guarding such against development; land use and zone changes for which there are no viable alternative locations to replace lost water dependent service facilty,as per Ortega River Grahams Boat Yard/Ortega Landing episode.
On the other hand,the Miami River can not provide boating destination facility on the order of the Ortega River Ortega Landing facility.
Lambs Yacht Center covered storage facility is remarkably on the order of the Richard Bertram/Bertram Yachts Miami River dock facility.
Richard Bertram Yachts was once an iconic boat builder. The former Bertram Yachts factory location,adjacent to the Miami River and docks, is now long gone. Non marine use.
There is an Elementary school across the street from Lambs here in Jacksonville. Still.
It was wonderful to witness the improvement of Miami River water quality, and Biscayne Bay.
.....and the time during the 90's,back there on business, first time in years aboard a boat at night on the Miami River,the "pirate" era, new Ruger .357 handy,per common insruction.
The mouth of the Miami River is no longer recognizable from the images,family photos and movies of my youth.
No doubt there are Jacksonville "Growth" proponents who would wish to see a radical transformation of Jacksonville waterways.
For some reason,we here have lagged behind the Miami River. Somewhat.