You didn't ask me - but I'm opposed to capital punishment, full stop. I don't know the case of the Perrywinkle child, but wouldn't support a death sentence in any case.
Are you for or against life imprisonment sentences?
I'm not 100% against life sentences - depending on the crime. I am against the idea of locking someone up for life and never reviewing the sentence, though. I think that a "life sentence" should be eligible for review at some point.
Fair enough. And since we're going completely off topic for the subject, I'm starting a new thread.
I'm sure you're at least familiar with the Aurora, CO shootings that happened a while back, the verdict is in - Life w/ no Parole.
The guy murdered 12 people. That's 12 families that will never get a chance to have any contact with the loved one that they lost.
Why should he and his family be spared that feeling? What purpose does the life sentence serve? If he lives to 100, then that becomes a 70 year burden on the taxpayers, supporting someone who will never see another day outside of a correctional facility.
I'm of the opinion that there are two types of crime - crime of intent and crime of circumstance, the latter typically being under a state of impairment or just with the wrong people at the wrong time. Crimes of intent are just that. He left the house with an intent to kill people that night. After it was determined that he was not mentally impaired, the punishment should have reflected that and he should have not been given the lenience of the jury's decision.