The necessary existence of a temporary power in any governmental position … along with a good measure of anonymity within … as in the JSO, the jail system, state attorney, or the courts ... aligned with the presence in our local southern environment, of a facilitating and forgiving god … all conspire to allow and obscure the abuse and absurdities in our “system of justice”. The state or city employee, whether a judge, a prosecutor, a JSO officer or jailer; exercise a temporary power over anyone who happens to become the next victim in the “system of justice”.
I suspect that most, after some consideration, will agree that power in the hands of all but the most sensitive, concerned, and knowledgeable individuals, leads at least to extended indifference, but mostly to gross injustice, abuse, and suffering to those who happened to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, or perhaps have been the victim of erroneous assumptions, accusations, and lies originating from within the system of justice, or accusations from the outside, from those benefiting from the lies.